Chapter 6

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Chapter 6: Headstrong

             After David's vigilantism, he was escorted by Mr. William and Ms. Agatha to Scotland Yard Skilled Crime Department. As expected of Mr. William's conclusion, his guardian Mr. Doyle wasn't entertained by his nightly excursion.

" David. "

David winced when he heard his name being muttered like that. Stern and cold– David knows that his guardian is really angry. Calm and controlled anger– It was always like that when David and the others know that Mr. Arthur Conan Doyle was truly angry.

Still, he just wanted to do something.

" I know that I'm in the wrong.  But I just wanted to help the people. Mr. Robert wasn't letting me join Scotland Yard because you told him not to.  "

David muttered while averting his eyes.

" We have agreed that you would join once you turned 15. Why can't you just wait, Mitchell? "

His guardian asked him. Then Mr. Doyle turned to gaze at Mr. William and Ms. Agatha who were standing at the side and witnessing the drama. David can feel himself turn red in embarrassment when he remembered that there are people other than him and his guardian.

" I was grateful for the clock tower for escorting Mitchell safely to Scotland Yard. I would take care of Mitchell and sort out our problem. "

But it seems that his guardian mind the presence of Mr. William and Ms. Agatha. David was thankful for that.

" I see. Then we should go. "

It was obvious that those were signs of dismissal. Mr. William decided it was his now cue and his assistant to take their leave.

" Shall we go, Agatha? "

" Yes, Mr. Williams. "

Mr. William bowed and Ms. Agatha curtsied before taking their leave. Seeing them gone, Arthur then decided to continue to sort out his trouble with his troublesome child.

" Let's head inside. "

Arthur said as he started walking inside Scotland Yard with David following after him.

And it was foreseeable that David and his guardian's discussion wouldn't be peaceful. It was always like that since David started his vigilantism 3 years ago. And every time that he was caught by the order of the clock tower and sent to the Scotland Yard Skilled Crime Department doorsteps, his guardian and David would always start arguing with each other.

The two of them aren't willing to back down from the other. Headstrong and a bunch of idiots– as Miss Jane Austen would say to them.

Mr. Arthur Conan Doyle is a man of his principle. He has a view of the world that would be hard to shake off. As a result of his strange perspective and view, it would always be hard for him to get along with people. Through the members in Scotland Yard, Skill Department is different. Most of the time, they can accept and endure the crap that David's guardian would pull on them. Even if it would put them into trouble.

Missus Bronte would comment that he learned his headstrong and bullheaded attitude from his guardian. In their assumptions, they couldn't be more wrong.

David Mitchell is always been like that. Firm and resolute on his principles.

Even before he became David Mitchell... She was always determined and committed to her views.

When it was just his first life. Maybe he wasn't always resolute and there were many times that he was indecisive and easily bendable.

But all of the struggles and experiences that he has made over several lifetimes made him who he is now.

David Mitchell wouldn't stop on keep helping people if he have the ability to do so. He would do it even if it wouldn't make the world a better place. He would do it even if it wouldn't change anything in the long run within this world.

The thanks to the people that he helped don't matter. The number of people he helped doesn't matter.

Once he started on this path within his first reincarnation, he was destined to delve further into it until he can't stop himself anymore.

Memories of his failures. It was still ingrained in his mind.

Even without his ability, the memory would forever remain.

Later, Mitchell and his guardian entered Scotland Yard Skilled Crime Department. It was as expected that their discussion turns into an argument.

But it was an unexpected development for David when their argument resulted in Mr. Robert's convincing his guardian to allow David Mitchell on being finally allowed as an official member of the Scotland Yard Skilled Crime Department and not just an office worker within it in charge of paper works. He can finally work on the field and use his abilities to help the members of the Skilled Crime Department and the people who needed their help and the victims who needed their justice.

Looking at the expression of his reluctant guardian, David felt relief inside his mind. And it was like breathing became easier.


On the other hand, Arthur who saw the relief in David's eyes sent a discreet glare to the chief of the Skilled Crime Department of Scotland Yard.

Arthur can't believe that he agreed and had been convinced to agree to let David be sent out to the field. He has just slipped out but sees the happiness and relief in his adopted child's eyes. Arthur knows that he can't take back his words. And he can't also break his dogma.

Once he swore an oath or promise, Arthur must fulfill them.

It wasn't within his dogma to keep protecting David forever knowing that it was impossible and ridiculous. But not breaking his oath and promises are something that he could do since he only needed to depend on himself to do it.

Noticing the glare of his skilled crime department head detective, Robert can only give a helpless sigh.

He knows that there was a reason why Arthur won't let his child go out and help a bunch of people out there even if his opponents are ordinary people or inexperienced ability users. It wasn't hard to see that Arthur's adopted child had a case of a savior complex. But stifling David's itch for a few more years won't work and it wouldn't end peacefully.

Lately, David's rebellion has been growing worse as time passed. Arthur had no choice but to make a compromise if he doesn't want David on deciding to rebel further and his rebellion resulted in unforeseen bad consequences.

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