Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: The Alternate Great War

After the issue with David's vigilantism was resolved, sooner or later after that day, David started accompanying the members of the Scotland Yard Special Skill Department on their missions when he was free from his studies.

David finds it inconvenient that he wouldn't be able to help the Scotland Yard frequently. But the next year, he would finally graduate from the Academy. Sooner or later, David can devote himself fully to Scotland Yard.

A month then passed and after that, there came a series of unexpected news.

It was sooner than David have expected that the current Queen have made her move. In the first month of the Winter Season- November, the prime minister of having declared the Special Restriction Movement. A series of laws regarding the ability of users have been implemented causing an uproar within Britain.

It was the start of Chaos within the country the day that the movement was starting to be implemented.

Scotland yard had never been busy more than ever.

Truthfully, David can understand why the government of Britain decided to make this move.

Mandatory registration of all Ability Users within the country

Assessment of the ability of ability users

License to use Ability

Restriction of Ability use in public

Ability classification

Dangerous ability requiring to be sealed

Those are just the series of laws that were established under the Special Restriction Movement. The public was glad for the implementation of the law but it was the opposite for the ability users.

The majority of the Ability user in Britain are enraged while only a few find this series of laws reasonable.

The Scotland Yard Special Skills Department, the law enforcers, and the Order of the Clock Tower are prepared to make their move in case of possible rebellion.

But before the rebellion could happen and the government can counter the rebellious ability users something happened that would shake the world of its course.

The Archduke of Austria-Hungary was assassinated along with his wife by a Serbian Nationalist Ability User.

Listening to the news relayed, David Mitchell feels that the information was familiar. After thinking for a while, he concluded that it is indeed what he thinks it is despite the period that this world is currently in its late 90s right now.

After the news reach every corner of the world, it was like a bomb has exploded out of nowhere.

Austria-Hungary demanded to settle the Serbians. But Russia that was supporting Serbia behind the scenes wouldn't let them just do what they wanted. And of course, there was Germany who would support Austria-Hungary in their decision.

Believing that Austria-Hungary are attacking Serbia, Serbia finally decided to ask for assistance from Russia. And after that, the rest is history along with some exceptions.

In this world, Russia wasn't allied with France but with the United Kingdom. France in this world is allied with Germany.

December then came and the new year arrived. On January 12, David Mitchell became officially 14 years old. But neither he nor the Scotland Yard was in the mood for celebration knowing that different wars were happening in the world and soon in their country.

In February, Austria-Hungary, Germany, and France became tired of sending ordinary soldiers to the battlefield.

They also decided to send out their ability users from their countries. Not wanting their enemies to be put to the Advantage, Russia and Italy followed their example.

March then came and the Ottoman Empire was then involved and join the Austria-Hungary faction. In March, it was also that the United Kingdom finally send out its Ability Users. And among them was William Shakespeare who was the Head of the Order of the Clock Tower.

With William Shakespeare being sent out to the battlefield as their main force and being not able to fulfill his role in the Order of the Clock Tower, he was replaced by Agatha Christies as the new leader of the Order of the Clock Tower.

Because of the law implemented before the war, many ability users from their country didn't participate and most of them escaped Britain and sought refuge in countries uninvolved in the Great War.

The Allies of Britain was able to spend most of their Ability Users, but for Britain it was different. It was considered a humiliating experience for the British government.

April soon then came and both Japan and China became involved. Japan is on the enemy's side while China is on the side of Russia.

When June arrived, the term transcendent started being used by people around the world. It was then termed as referring to the strongest ability users sent out by the great powers to participate in the great war.

Also in that month, His guardian Arthur Conan Doyle was asked to participate in the war as a transcendent along with Mr. Oscar Wilde.

For the latter, David can understand. But his guardian, David can't understand why he needs to be sent. His guardian's ability wasn't something that could be used as firepower or damaging to the enemy lines. It would be dangerous for Arthur Conan Doyle to be sent out to the battlefield.

It was a Deduction. 

But as David watched his guardian leave the doors of Scotland Yard along with Mr. Oscar Wilde, he realized that his guardian could help their country, not as firepower but as a mastermind or strategist.

Soon, the tides of war changed. Britain wasn't much at a disadvantage anymore compared to Japan.

July then came and David Mitchell had officially graduated from the Academy. And along with his graduation was the news of the death of his guardian.

During the last week of July, David Mitchell stepped into the battlefield at the Age of 14.

There was only one thing on his mind at that time, to seek revenge and end the war as soon as possible.

When the first week of November came, the Great War ended.

An infamous group was then born from the Great War known as the Seven Traitors.

7 people have betrayed their own countries for the purpose of ending the great war.

And the most infamous of all of them was their leader, David Mitchell former Britain Transcendent and now known as the Captain of the 7 traitors.

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