Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: Implications and Conclusions

        The next day after visiting the Scotland Yard Skilled Crime Department, David Mitchell arrived at the Academy of Skills and Special Talents. Also known as A.S.S. as some students have secretly called it.

The Academy is a secret learning facility located in Oxfordshire funded by the Queen and the government. Other than being funded by the highest authorities of this country, the security of this secret learning facility falls into the hands of the Order of the Clock Tower.

Arriving in the classroom, David Mitchell was greeted by his friend.

" David! "

Siegfried immediately came forward and hugged his friend. David grimaced as he became a victim of Siegfried's hug again.

" Sieg... "

David muttered as he squirmed under the embrace of Siegfried. The latter noticed and immediately let him go while smiling wryly.

" I apologize! Looks like I did it again. Did I hurt you? "

Siegfried asked and David nodded his head.

" I am sorry... It was annoying that I can't seem to control my reflex of hugging people. "

" Then do something about your hugging problem. How many times did I remind you? "

" Well... It was also your fault David that you look so huggable! "

After saying those words, Siegfried has already David was in his grasp again and hugged his short and small friend.

David narrowed his eyes at him.

" Are you thinking that I am short and small again? "

Siegfried averted his eyes.

" No? "

He lies easily as he breathes. But David wasn't fooled. He can see the lies in his eyes.

" Then. Do I need to remind you again to let me go? "

" Ahh! I did it again! "

After a while, as the only two students who were in their classroom, David and Siegfried decided to talk about different topics while they wait for their classmates and their classroom professor.

" So, how was your day at the Scotland Yard? "

David shrugged then he continued reading. Siegfried who was beside him lean his head on the table.

" The same as usual? "

" Un. "

" Got any interesting case to tell me? "

David shut his book and narrowed his deep blue eyes.

" You know that I can't disclose any information from Scotland Yard. "

" I know~.. "

Siegfried pouted.

" But I am just taking my chance, maybe you would slip out when you are unguarded and unfocused! "

" That wouldn't happen. "

" Well. It's not bad to try. And attempt. But it was just that I am worried you know. "

Siegfried trailed off. David raised his eyebrows at the unusually serious expression on the curly redhead young man.

" What's wrong? Did you hear something from your workplace? "

Hearing those words, Siegfried sighed.

" Well. The common populace in our country has been expressing their dissatisfaction with the increasing crime rates. What're more the different crimes that were happening have to do with the ability of users like us. "

David lowered his head. What his friend have told him wasn't unfounded.

It was true that the job that the Scotland Yard Skilled Crime Department has been increasing as of late.

Scotland Yard Skilled Crime Department's job has usually to do with serious tasks involving terrorists, murders, and arresting dangerous criminals who possess special abilities.

But with those tasks, the Scotland Yard Skilled Crime Department wasn't still enough.

Light crimes like thievery involving low the ability users don't fall into their hands but on the ordinary police force.

As this was a world where the authors that he have known in his past lives are the ability users, the United Kingdom wasn't lacking in those areas. It was filled to the brim.

While taking a walk, you may encounter an ability user in this country.

" What do you think would happen, David? "

Seeing his friend's worried expression, he decided to be honest with his friend.

" The most likely conclusion of this situation was that it was probable that the rest of us would be implicated by the deeds of these criminals. "

" ..As expected.. "

Siegfried groaned. Then he moved his head a little bit to stare at David and asked him a question.

" So, could I hear the rest of your hypothesis and write it as my work? "

" Never. "

David refuted instantly.

" Well, I tried. I guess I would wander around later to find my scoop. "

" Do you want to hear the rest of my speculation? "

" Please do so! "

Seeing that his friend's attention was fully focused on him, David told his guesses.

The treatment of the people of this country toward the ability users would diminish. They would start harboring resentment and prejudice in their hearts. Other than that, ability users who were considered public figures like the people of the Scotland Yard Skilled Crime Department would lose the trust of the people and would be seen as incompetent.

If the situation worsen further, the Queen wouldn't be able to appease her citizens. She would have no choice but to do a drastic action to appease the uneasiness and dissatisfaction of the majority.

" What kind of action do you think the Queen would do? "

Siegfried asked curiously.

" There are several things that I can think of.. "

David trailed off and frowned while he fixed his rectangular glasses on his face.

" Such as? "

" For example. There could be a scenario that to appease the majority of her citizens, the queen, and the government would implement a law that would restrict the freedom and rights of ability users. "

Siegfried frowned at those words. He felt anxious about the scenario that was given to him by his friend.

" But that wasn't the worst result of that scenario. If such a law has been implemented in the country. It might as well lead to unrest leading to the rebellion of the ability users. "

Later, when the classmates of Siegfried and David arrived, they saw the former wearing a grim expression which was unusual for Siegfried.

He was someone who had a carefree and lively attitude. To see an extroverted social butterfly like him with a grim attitude, there was something wrong that was going on.

Beatrix who was one of their classmates decided to inquire about the situation to David.

" We just got into a deep conversation. "

All of them sighed when they heard David's answer.

It's no wonder. Anyone who would talk about a certain subject would eventually feel worried and feel their eyes have been opened to the reality of life.

It wasn't their classmate's ability, but he certainly has the natural talent for it.

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