Chapter 21

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AN: Here's another sporadic update for this fanfic. But I finally have a clue on how would I end this Alternate World arc.

Don't forget that there is a Dimension Travel in the tags.

The next chapters are flashback chapters leading to the end scene of this chapter.

Chapter 21: One of a Kind

     Upon becoming a member of the 7 Traitors, Robert discovered the reason why 7 Traitors became an international independent organization from any country that nobody dares to provoke.

It wasn't because of Grimm's ability to mentally inflict damage on the psyche of his targets.

It wasn't Helena's excellent pathfinding skills, which she proclaims as Divination Magic.

It wasn't Antoine's excellent healing skills that could miraculously put anyone back to life even if they were on the brink of death instantly.

The reason wasn't Verne's fortress-like ability.

It wasn't Dante who was a terrifying pyromaniac with his devasting ability.

Lastly, it wasn't because of Shi Naian's super strength and stamina being equivalent to 108 people and knowledge of different martial arts and weapons.

It was because of David Mitchell. The face and leader of Seven Traitors.

The name given to his ability by the Clock Tower was Fog Atlas.

The Fog Atlas was a very unique ability. For it to be usable, the ability requirement has to be a cold temperature, near bodies of water, water vapor condensing, or having relative humidity.

In short, it is the conditions for a fog to likely form. A desert without a nearby body of water— David Mitchell wouldn't be able to use his ability.

Aside from that extreme condition, David Mitchell doesn't have many obstructions.

The Fog Atlas is one of a one-of-a-kind ability. From the moment that the Clock Tower realized David Mitchell's existence and his ability, according to their leader, they went towards him and sealed his ability.

It was only because of his guardian Arthur Conan Doyle that David Mitchell gained permission to use his ability when David Mitchell required or needed it. When he wasn't using his Fog Atlas, it was required to be sealed.

Recall, Repository, Repair, Regress, Rejection, Rerun and Remodel.

When Robert Louis Stevenson first heard of those words, said by Shi Naian, he was confused.

However, he discovered that those words meant he started witnessing their Leader David Mitchell use those things one by one.

Recall their leader's ability to change into someone else. One thing that they noted is that all of the people whose leader has assumed his identity don't exist in reality.

What is the reason behind the mystery of that skill? Why could he just shapeshift into someone else that already existed?

Repository, David Mitchell's skill to take out an item from his storage that was separate from this reality. There were a lot of strange unknown items in their leader's storage skill.

Repair is the skill to restore an object to its previous state. The ability doesn't work on living things.

Regress is the skill of restoring a living thing to its previous state. Unfortunately, it can't bring a person back to life.

Rejection is the ability to cancel out "damages",  "pains" and "effects". To activate the ability a gavel would appear and their leader must say the word Objection for the skill to take effect. However, there must be also a logical and reasonable reason why damage, pain, and effect must be canceled.

Rerun, is the skill to trap a certain area in a repeating cycle of loop. The user can subject the living targets of the loop such as humans to be aware that they are subjected to a time prison. Deteriorating their mental state as the longer their time passed struck in a time loop.

Remodel, is the skill to improve and edit the properties of an object.

Fog Atlas is an ability that was activated through a certain condition. Possessing 7 skills under the ability that has multiple uses.

It was an ability that shouldn't exist. Even more so for a person who possesses this ability.

Their leader David Mitchell is an irregularity. He was already an equivalent of a 'Singularity'.

A disaster and a calamity.

The Clock Tower has only discovered its existence because of an ability user possessing a foretelling ability. However, when they already discovered his existence, it was already too late.

He already manifested his abilities. Upon discovering the existence of a person who would possess several abilities that were considered to be one, the Clock Tower planned to have that ability user killed before they even manifested said ability.

An ability user that possesses 7 abilities is too dangerous to be left alive. However with David Mitchell with his abilities being discovered with his ability already awakened, the clock tower can't go to their original plan of killing said ability user.

Killing the ability user would most likely result in the ability manifesting as a dangerous singularity without someone controlling it. So it was decided that David Mitchell would be sent to the Scotland Yard ability users group where the ability user with Divination abilities is located with the Clock Tower providing David Mitchell items that regularly seal his abilities so that they wouldn't go out of control every year.

That is why David Mitchell still has contact with the Clock Tower of the British Government. He needed their sealing items as much as they needed to be in control of his abilities.

For the Clock Tower, David Mitchell is a ticking time bomb since they discovered his existence. As time passed, he became more dangerous.

However, David Mitchell being alive is a priority of the Clock Tower until he grows old and dies naturally as an old man. It was theorized by the Clock Tower that once he reached the end of his life naturally, along with him, the Fog Atlas would disappear naturally.

However, as Robert comes to witness Miss Agatha pointing an unnatural gun at the smiling and standing husk of former 7 Traitors David Mitchell, with him and the other members of the 7 Traitors gazing at the body of their captain in despair, Robert gritted his teeth and cried. Bitter tears keep falling into his eyes.

Everything was his fault.

If he just...... Then, everything wouldn't become like this. Leading their leader David Mitchell to the path of no return in this world.

" Goodbye, David. "

The sound of the gun being fired was ignored amidst the burning city of London.

Fog Atlas (Bungou Stray Dogs Self Insert Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now