Chapter 19

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Chapter 19: The Ministry

       After meeting Margaret Atwood, David and Robert left the cafe. Then they went to a park in Toronto.

Sitting on one of the benches in the park and away from the presence of the people, they discuss the information that Margaret Atwood relayed to them.

David also decided to contact the other members of the 7 traitors including Jules Verne. For the latter, David and Robert decided that they would leave Atsushi to him for the meantime and watch over him while spending his time at Standard Island.

Grim, Shi Naian, Antoine, Helena, and Dante – The 5 members will be coming here to Toronto Canada as soon as possible. They would be the reinforcement and backup.

Robert while glancing at the silent David after contacting the rest of the 7 traitors on his cellphone was secretly worried. He didn't expect his 1st mission as a member of 7 Traitors to be that serious.

Still staring at the silent David, Robert asked.

" .. Is there something wrong with the situation aside from Miss Margaret not telling us the full details of the situation regarding the secret organization? "

At the question, David frowned. His eyebrows were creased together while he also stared at the brown gloves that he was wearing while his hand was on his lap.

" I. I just got a strange feeling about this situation. And I can't help but feel that something isn't right... Even if Miss Margaret and the Canadian government have omitted important information from us. "

David paused for a moment before continuing and glancing at Robert who was sitting beside him on the bench.

" As for why I called everyone as a backup... It was always a protocol for the members of 7 Traitors to call for support even though they wouldn't be required in the end. "

" I understand. "

Tilting his head and smiling wanly, David asked.

" It isn't bad to be always cautious right, Mr Stevenson? "

Giving the same smile, Robert replied.

" Indeed, Captain. During my early days as an information broker, I have maintained a high state of cautiousness. It would be no good if my clients decided to betray me the moment that I was given the information they needed. I have been also in a state of cautiousness while living with Atsushi. Before you have offered us solace, Captain. It would be no good if the Japanese government came knocking on my doors and had taken away Atsushi from me. "

For a few seconds, David was silent. Before he decided to confirm something from Robert that he always wanted to know.

" Hey, Robert... Could I ask you something? "

David says while he stares at his feet touching the paved tiles of the park. Of course, he was still wearing his boots. For a 16-year-old, he was particularly tall for his age.

" What is it, Captain? "

" Do you believe in Reincarnation? "

At the question, Robert had a confused expression on his face.

" Pardon? "

Seeing Robert's confusion, David's question was answered and he replied.

" Don't worry about it. "

Robert wasn't a reincarnated person like him. It is only been entirely dependent on his person that he decides to save Atsushi from the clutches of the Japanese Government.

Robert was kind. He has happened to encounter Atsushi by pure luck and chance and upon learning about Atsushi's circumstances,  the first thing that Stevenson did was save him from his despair.

Unlike David...

" Captain? "

Moving his gaze from the paved tiles and to Robert's face, David saw the latter as a worried and anxious expression on his face.

" The Ministry... The secret organization that Miss Margaret Atwood mentioned to us... I have never heard of them. Since my first day as an information broker and even when I was hiding from the Japanese Government,  I have still kept in touch with the information broker circle so I am up to date with my knowledge of most of the things happening in the ability users... Have you heard about them, Captain?  "

David shook his head at the question. Hearing about the ministry was also a piece of new information to him. He can't help but wonder how such a secret organization of caliber has been hiding the radar of everyone for years.

If the information relayed to them by Miss Margaret Atwood is right, the 'Ministry' organization should have been running for years. Before the organization of 7 traitors had even formed. Before the Great War that changed the status quo of the world and realized how dangerous yet important was the ability users.

There are two things that David knows right now. Whoever the Ministry is– This is a very dangerous secret organization that has managed to stay under the radar over the years.

As for the device that enhances the ability of those ability users from ministry with unfortunate side effects, that device was maybe the work of an ability user or something created entirely with other means.

David thought that the latter was the more plausible probability in this situation.

While he and Robert were sitting in the park and discussing the contents of the mission, and after that they decided to find the whereabouts of the Ministry, he and Robert were given a huge wake-up call when they heard the sound of a very loud explosion.

The sound of a loud explosion from the distance. After that, there were the screams of the people spending their time in the park not expecting to have the scare experience of a lifetime.

While David and Robert left the park, David's phone started ringing. Picking up the phone,  David looks at the caller.

It is Miss Margaret Atwood.

Picking up the call, David asked.

" Miss Margaret, what happened?! "

After the question, David was expecting Miss Margaret Atwood to be the one who would answer his question.

{ Ah, it's been a long time since I have heard your voice... David. "

David Mitchell doesn't expect to hear the voice of a dead man.

The voice of his guardian Arthur Conan Doyle

David froze upon hearing the voice and his phone clattered to the ground.

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