Chapter 8

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Chapter 8: Captain

           When David Mitchell came into their doorsteps, the members of the Scotland Yard Special Crime Department has mixed reactions. At that time, Dr. Seuss was still in the United States and wasn't still a member of their group.

The ladies were delighted to have a cute kid delivered to their doorstep and fulfill their maternal instincts. While Robert Burns hadn't still forgotten that this child would become a future transcendent.

Robert Burns squashed down any guilt that started fostering after that they willingly relayed the location of this child to the order of the clock tower. But it was a big irony wasn't it? To think that they would be taking care of this child from now on.

A month after taking care of the 8-year-old David Mitchell, they discovered that he was strangely mature and intelligent for his age.

They then soon speculated that his ability was intelligence speculated.

But they were proven wrong in their assumptions.

For the next few months, as David Mitchell started getting comfortable with them and their savior complex condition also came into light among the members of the Scotland Yard Special Crime Department, it looks like there was a reason why the Order of the Clock Tower decided to use an ability device and restrict his ability.

Cloud Atlas is terrifying despite its weaknesses.

How could one ability do several things?

How could a person exist and possess such an ability?

Robert Burns decided that David Mitchell mustn't be led astray.

It would end up badly for them.

And in the future, there may be another awakened calamity ability user that was brought to the world.


[ 2 years later ]

        After the creation of Standard Island, the creator of said island Jules Verne who was one of the 7 traitors choose to remain and inhabit the island.

" I can't have my Masterpiece be put to waste Captain. I need to always make sure it was in the best condition. "

As for the others, they decided to travel around the world and escape the pursuit of their own countries. Their betrayal still leaves a very sour taste in the mouths of their brothers and their government. Jules Verne who was also one of the 7 traitors, before leaving, the other members made sure that no harm would come to Jules Verne under the hands of the different governments.

The Captain made an agreement that if something bad happens to Jules Verne while he was in Standard Island and if the fault was in the hands of the Government, they would suffer the consequences.

Currently, Captain David Mitchell of the 7 traitors is already 16 years old. His ability which made him infamous and terrifying in their sealed state has been growing further. The ability to reach beyond what is more normal and capable of.

Despite being capable to discard the seal that was placed on him by the order of the clock tower when he was 8, David Mitchell didn't choose to discard the seal. Choosing on keeping them at all times and only removing them when necessary.

David hoped that Jules would follow his advice. While he was in a trance as he watched the deep blue sea on a deck of a cruise ship, he was approached by one of the other members of 7 traitors.

" Is there something on your mind Captain? "

David Mitchell turned his head and glanced at the person beside him. A pretty woman in her early twenties wearing a Beijing-style light green cheongsam that reached her black high heel shoes. Underneath her cheongsam was garter belt stockings. David Mitchell quickly averted his eyes as he felt his face slowly turning flushed red.

Of course, David's expression didn't go unnoticed by his companion. A mischievous smile was revealed on Shi Naian's face.

" Well, you are a growing boy after all Captain, it's expected of you to be curious. "

David feels himself more becoming flustered as he tried to cover his face with his two hands.

" Naian! "

David whined when he took a peek behind his hands and saw Shi Naian's golden eyes glowing with mirth. The latter decided to stop her teasing and asked.

" I would stop teasing the Captain. But I was just happy that I remove the frowning expression on your face before. Why are frowning Captain? "

Hearing the question, David sighed.

" It's been two years since the Great War. "

At the mention of the Great War, Shi Naian's mischievous expression turned serious.

" And it has been a year since we last met Jules. Do you think we can visit him after our mission? "

" Why are asking me, Captain? Captain is the captain. "

" I know... "

There was frustration in David's tone.

" But, I still need everyone's opinions. I can't just make the decisions myself... "

David also still can't believe the fact that the other members of the 7 traitors choose him to become the unofficial leader of the group. According to the physical body, he was the youngest of the 7 of them. Jules was the second youngest while Grimm was the oldest of the group.

Everyone in the 7 traitors should be equal. At the start, it was like that, but it was a necessity that the 7 traitors decided to elect a leader for their group.

He can't still believe that they have chosen him. He still thought that Grimm should have been the leader.

While he was thinking of his other companion, Grimm who was observing Shi Naian and David Mitchell walk towards them. He then saw David's expression and muttered to the Captain.

" Don't doubt yourself. I may indeed be the oldest but it was thanks to you David that our cooperation with the government isn't too difficult. "

If Grimm is the leader, then there is no hope for the 7 traitors to be on cooperative terms with the government and not viewed as cruel monsters.

For Grimm, David is suitable to be elected as the Captain of the 7 traitors.

After all, David Mitchell who swore on the path of revenge decided to do the opposite.

He could have just killed people to alleviate the anger and pain in his heart.

" I could just have killed you... But I won't. It's so painful. I feel that my heart is being crushed to pieces. I'm angry.. but killing you won't make him happy. It wouldn't bring satisfaction to me but unhappiness. "

But he decided to spare the killer of Arthur Conan Doyle which is him.

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