Chapter 16

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Chapter 16: The Standard Island and it's  creator

   Somewhere in the South Pacific Ocean, The 7 traitors were having a reunion on Standard Island. They were also here to inform their remaining member Jules Gabriel Verne of their newest member and his charge. As for the reaction of the youngest member of the 7 traitors, the said creator of the Standard Island was currently pouting.

How could he not when it took one month and a few days for them to tell him the inclusion of a new member?!

He knows that Standard Island needs to move around since it requires energy to power the island. Things like ocean thermal energy conversion, wave-activated power generation, solar photoelectric generation, and offshore wind power. But the most useful energy for Standard Island is the ocean thermal which provides 50% power for the Standard Island. The most perfect place for the source of ocean thermal energy was the South Pacific Ocean.

South Pacific Ocean also known as South Seas covered the Oceania and the Polynesian Triangle. Standard Island travels around the Hawaiian Islands, New Zealand, and Easter Island but sometimes it would pass through Australia until it would be made its way near the Island Archipelago of Japan. Specifically near the waters of Yokohama.

Right now, Standard Island was located near the Hawaiian Islands waters. The residents of Standard Island are usually in the summer season since it also serves as a resort for high-ranking individuals and officials of government. But this year, it seems that those people wanted to get more in touch with the summer season since it was said that Hawaii is the best well-known summer holiday spot in the world.

The standard island has no permanent location. The only other thing that was known as it always stays on South Pacific Ocean.

Jules Gabriel Verne understands that it would take a while for the other members of the 7 traitors to find him and the Standard Island. But with their capabilities, it should only take One week. Why did they take a while? One month, it was unacceptable.

Now, he knows that he was being petty, unreasonable, and childish.

Their leader David Mitchell expresses his genuine apology to him. Promising him that they would visit him often one time a month as a result of his apology instead of 1 time for every 2 months.

Jules ignores the glare coming from Helena, Naian, and the usually nice and kind Antoine de Saint-Exupery.

After the apology from their captain, Jules decided to approach the newest member of the 7 traitors Robert Louis Stevenson.

" So what's your ability that Captain decided that he was interested in you? "

At his words, David retorted from the background. And now Grimm was also glaring at Verne.

" Hey! I didn't take him because of his ability. "

Glancing back at David, Jules decided to look at the faces of the other members of 7 Traitors and then thought about his face and asked the Captain.

" Did you decide to recruit us because of our beautiful faces and handsome looks? "

" What?! "

David was stumped by the question of the second youngest of their group. Chronically he was the youngest since he was 16 years old. ( David didn't dare to call himself the youngest physically since that belongs to Antoine and Helena. – Due to side effects of their abilities, Antoine was stuck on being a 7-year-old and Helena at 12 years old. )

But since David has the experiences of his past life, David always considered in his mind that Verne was the youngest of them when it comes to mental maturity.

This kind of question always came out of his mouth. Sighing, David sometimes wanted to be done with Verne's behavior.

He knows that he was a face-con. He likes pretty faced and he was also a voice con. But that wasn't the reason why he recruited them.

He recruited them because they are like-minded allies who wanted to also stop the Great War.

It wasn't because of their faces!

Stopping the urge to teach the brat a lesson once again, David decided to ignore the brat and enjoy his stay here on Standard Island and maybe make sure that everything is alright here.

He should be paying a visit to the representatives of the countries that were currently on Standard Island right now.









Watching David ignore Verne and start walking away from them while being followed by the others, Robert chuckled wryly at the sight.

Currently, Atsushi wasn't with him but with Helena and Antoine. The two individuals were glad that Atsushi was quick to warm up to them. Robert decided to keep quiet about the real reason why Atsushi was fond of their company.

( Atsushi thought that the two of them, especially Antoine was a children like him. )

When David and the others disappeared and decided to explore the standard island, Jules Gabriel Verne wasn't upset. Instead, he was relieved that he was successful in making them leave so he could interrogate this newest member of their group.

The amiable young man disappeared. Jules's expression was replaced with cold eyes and a threatening smile on his face.

" If you decided to betray the 7 tractors, you would wish that you were dead. "

Instead of being intimidated, Robert replied with a compliant smile.

" I know. I wouldn't even think of it. "

Jules looks at Robert with surprise. After a while, he sighed.

" Hmmm... not bad. The Captain has chosen you well. "

Robert was confused about what topic Jules was talking about. He chose to remain quiet and let the young man ponder it by himself. Eventually, Jules stared at him and said.

" I'm Jules Gabriel Verne. My Ability is Standard Island. It is a long-range ability and its classification is unknown. "

Robert's interest was piqued when he heard Jules introduce himself and mention his ability. As an information broker that has a hobby of analyzing and theorizing about abilities, the classification of Jules's ability is unusual.

When David and the others returned, David felt a smile broke out of his face when he could hear the enthusiastic discussion about abilities between Jules and Robert.

Looks like they are getting along very well.

He felt relieved.

Seeing his presence, Jules called out to him.

" Captain! Robert wouldn't believe me about the things I said about your ability. How about showing him a demonstration of your ability? "

At the demand of the second youngest, David can feel a pain forming in his head once again.

' This brat! '

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