Chapter 13

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Chapter 13: The benevolent leader

    Gazing at Robert Louis Stevenson and Atsushi, the members of the seven traitors have a lot of thoughts and feelings in their minds. But the most prominent one was exasperation.

It was unexpected for the members of the 7 traitors. The suggestion of their captain.

" I think that Mr. Robert Louis Stevenson here would be a great addition to our group. "

Bringing their current mission targets on their cruise ship and suggesting those words, aren't the things that they expected.

But like them, Robert Louis Stevenson was also surprised by the suggestion of David.


After introducing himself, David Mitchell the leader of the 7 traitors has convinced to come with him along with Atsushi.

Robert also didn't expect the rumors about the leader of the 7 traitors to be true. David Mitchell looks so young, a 16-year-old youngster. That meant that Britain decided to send David Mitchell out when he was just 14 years old.

Robert feels chills down his spine just thinking about it. He was right in his decision to leave Britain and never come back again. When the laws have been passed down and the country entered into a state of chaos, Robert decided that he would leave England and the whole of Britain.

He didn't regret the best decision that he ever made in his life. It's just that he never like the consequences that came along with his decision. Robert never expected the special division of his country to pay attention to him and sent people after him.

Guessing whatever Robert was thinking on his mind, David then says

" I wasn't conscripted to go in the war. I have gone to war myself. It was my decision. "

Robert was surprised by the information given to him by David.

' a 14-year-old child volunteering on going to the great war... '

Now, Robert was wondering what is the reason why David joined. Since this person in front of him was the leader of the 7 Traitors, a private organization hailed by the people and hated by the governments, people with noble intentions who have used extreme means to end the war. Robert was interested to know.

Seeing Robert's pondering expression, David chuckled.

"  My reason for going to the war isn't as noble as you think, Mr Robert. It was a very selfish reason. I have gone to war so that I can have revenge. "

Robert's eyes widened when he heard it, gazing at Atsushi briefly, David asked Robert.

" Anyway, I haven't come here to have a chit-chat and talk about myself, Mr. Robert, would you please come with me peacefully without retaliation? Oh, you can also feel free to bring your ward along with you. "

Glaring at David and hiding Atsushi behind him, even if this young man was very powerful, Robert wouldn't let him take Atsushi without a fight over his dead body.

" I would never let you bring back Atsushi to the damn Japanese government, stuck in a white room, and use him whenever they please as their killing weapon! "

Upon hearing Robert's words, David's eyes widened in surprise. He then composed himself and smiled gently. But the amiable smile that he has looks threatening right now while his sky blue eyes was glowing.

" I see... I apologize if I look a little frightening right now. I didn't expect to come across this information. Is Senior Agatha aware of this or did she not? But if it was her, she couldn't be unaware of the situation... "

David trailed off with a frown on his face. After a few moments of pondering, David asked Robert.

" Mr. Robert, would you go with me? "

" As I said before, I wouldn't hand over Atsushi to you and bring him back into the hands of the Japanese government. "

" No, please don't worry Mr Robert. I wouldn't hand take Atsushi from you and hand it over to the Japanese government. Now that I know what are they doing behind, I wouldn't let an Atsushi go back there. "

With a hesitant tone, Robert asked.

" What proof do you have? "

If he would fight David, Robert wouldn't be able capable of fighting back unless he did that thing which he wouldn't want to do. His ability at Treasure Island isn't an ability that grants him the power to fight back. It was useless in a fight.

Suddenly, Robert was surprised when David suddenly kneeled with one of his knees on the floor and the other was raised forward. Like a knight, taking preparing to take an oath.

" I promise as the captain of the 7 traitors, that I would protect Atsushi from any harm. If I can't do that, I would step down as the captain of the 7 traitors and leave my group. "

Hearing the promise, Robert was dumbfounded. He knows the importance of the 7 traitors to David, for such a promise to be made, means that David was serious and sincere.

Robert was convinced. There's no way that David Mitchell would lie to him with the name of the 7 traitors on the line. Noticing that David was still kneeling, Robert urged him to get up.

" So Mr. Robert, would you go with me back to the ship? "

Sighing, Robert responded.

" You have managed to convince me brat. As long as we wouldn't be caught by the government and go back to Britain, I would accept your offer of protection. Am I not misunderstanding right? You are offering protection? "

" Yes, Mr Robert. Anyway, you should go back to your temporary residence and start packing your things. Then we would go to the cruise ship and leave Japan. "

After packing and arriving at the ship of the 7 traitors, Robert didn't expect David Mitchell to make that suggestion to his fellow members of the group.

" I think that Mr. Robert Louis Stevenson here would be a great addition to our group. "

With a smile on his face, David added.

" What do you think? "

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