Chapter 11

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Chapter 11: Capture

   After the talk with Agatha and being accompanied by Grimm and Shi Naian, David returned to their private cruise ship to brief the other members of their organization on their new mission.

" Welcome back Captain.. "

A white-haired man in his early 30s wearing a fedora muttered. He then briefly glances at Grimm and Shi Naian.

" .. Also,  Grimm and Naian. "

He said as if like an afterthought.

While Grimm was unaffected, there was a fake grin on Shi Naian's face. And as if her face would pop up with some nerves. She tried to keep herself calm and don't give in to her urge to kill the bastard. Her grin then became wider and Shi Naian Retorted as she approached the fedora man.

" Getting forgetful again, old man? "

' This Bitch. '

The fedora man thought as he glances at Naian who approached him with a provoking posture in her skin-tight and skimpy cheongsam.

Before the fedora man could retort, David decided to intervene.

" Naian, Dante. "

Both stopped when David give them the 'look'. Both are now feeling chastised by their mother and feel like immature kids. They were supposed to be the adults but they were acting like squabbling kids. And the kid was the one who was acting like an adult. Dante and Naian felt ashamed of themselves.

"  Can I ask what's the mission captain? "

David turned his head in the direction of the voice. There, David can feel a smile being tugged on his lips at the sight of his loli-looking comrade.

" Helena. "

" Well? "

Helena placed both of her hands on her hips as she prompted. Seeing her posture, there was a thought on David's mind that even if she puffed up her chest, there was nothing that she could flaunt on that part of her body. Unfortunately, for Helena, she would forever remain a shorty with a very flat chest. An old lady looking like a loli. Seeing Helena's glare as if knowing his rude thoughts, David then took out something from their pocket and handed it to Helena.

" Here. The identity of man is Robert Louis Stevenson a refugee from England. And want fromwanbyfrom the Japanese Government and the Order of the Clock Tower. The other one showing the picture of a child is Nakajima Atsushi. Taken from the private sector of the Japanese government by Robert Louis Stevenson. "

Helena stared at the two pictures and frowned.

".... Do we need to kill them? "

There was a frown on her face. This time, the one who glared was David.

" We do not kill children. "

" Sorry, Captain. "

Helena sent an apologetic look. At the end of the war, none of them are innocent. David whose hands weren't stained– became red after he left the war.

But no one even knows that David's hands are already stained red in his past lives. But this time, the only difference was that David was forced to kill people who have done nothing but serve their country with much fervor and loyalty.

With the creation of Seven Traitors, they swore that they wouldn't kill any children. And they would only kill very heinous people and criminals.

They swore that they would uphold this new ideal. If not, then they don't deserve to remain as one of the 7 traitors.

" We need to capture them alive and deliver them at the hands of the Order of the Clock Tower. "

David muttered while Helena and the others listened to him. Then a blond-haired man with wavy hair approached David and asked.

" Captain, when do we need to capture them?  "

" We are given an indefinite amount of time by the Japanese government. But the Order of the clock tower had given us 1 week. "

" That's tough. Miss Agatha expects the best of us, isn't she? "

Antoine mumbled after he heard their captain. His mind was deep into contemplation. David then gazes at the other members of 7 traitors and then added.

" Currently, the location of Robert Louis Stevenson and Nakajima Atsushi is unknown to the Japanese Government and the Order of the Clock Tower. There was a possibility they may not be here in Yokohama. "

Helena sighed when she heard that.

" So it was up to us to locate and investigate their whereabouts. "

David smiled apologetically.

" We must rely on your ability to locate them, Helena. "

Helena grumbled but she took out her crystal sphere. She then activated her ability resulting in the crystal sphere floating in front of her.

" I seek the help of the Goddess of Ancient Times.
I seek the help of the Goddess from Kemet.
I seek the help of the Goddess Isis.
Unveil the location of Robert Louis Stevenson and Nakajima Atsushi. "

The crystal sphere then glowed and showed an image of the sphere and it then relayed information in Helena's mind. After a while, Helena collapsed to the ground, and the crystal sphere rolled to the floor.

" Are you alright Helena? "

Antoine asked with a frown on his face while he offered his hand to her. She glared at the hand and grabbed Antoine's scarf to pull herself up. It almost choked the latter with the scarf wrapped around his neck tightening. Thankfully, Helena release her hold on his scarf before it could kill Antoine.

" What are you an idiot Antoine? You should already know that I would always feel drained every time I use my ability for a minute. "

Antoine tapped the healing bruise on his neck and smiled sheepishly.

" Sorry. "

Gazing at the rising tension between the two, David coughed while Naian stared at Antoine and Helena with a complicated expression on her face before she grinned. The two are unnerved by Naian's reaction.

But before she could insult the two, David intervened before it could escalate.

" Helena? "

" They are currently in Kyoto City captain. "

" So, they weren't indeed in Yokohama huh... "

David muttered to himself. He wondered other than Atsushi's life, how would be the other main characters' life is different in this world. But David has no time for that. The Mission came first. After that, then he could explore Yokohama.

" Let's start hunting them. Tomorrow, we would capture them alive. The 7 traitors are always successful in their missions. "

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