Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: The head of the Scotland Yard Skilled Crime Department

          David Mitchell was 8 years old when he have shown the full potential of his ability. It was also on that year that he learned that he was in that anime show that his little sister adore in his original and past life. 5 years have been passed since the first time that he encountered the order of the clock tower. The organization was only known by a few people of this country.

David Mitchell is now 13 years old and currently a student on a small and secret learning facility funded by the queen and the government of this country. The academy located in Oxfordshire where he is studying was a learning facility for people with gifted abilities.

Since he was discovered to possess abilities by the Order of the Clock Tower, David Mitchell has been sent to the academy and has been trusting in the care of someone until he reaches the legal age.

After the classes ended, David Mitchell left the academy of Oxfordshire and rode on a bus heading towards Greater London. Inside the bus and taking one of the seats near the glass windows, he heard the whispers and conversations of some passengers. But a particular group of strangers having a conversation caught his attention the most.

" According to the rumors, there was a new case brought towards the Scotland Yard.. "

David Mitchell heard one of the ladies in that certain group saying those words in a suppressed tone. Appearing to be nonchalant as she brought forward a new topic of their conversation. David can't help but have his interest piqued by the gossiping ladies on the bus. Yet, he knows it was considered rude and improper on listening to their gossips.

‘ Well, it wasn't my fault that they were quite loud that I can hear them, don't they? ’

David reasoned on his mind. The conversation was also interesting enough that he can't help but listen to them. It was better than staring at the surroundings reflected on the glass windows of the bus.

" Again? Don't you think that the crimes in our country have been keeping going up more and more recently? "

One of the ladies who started the interesting conversation replied while there was a worried tone in her voice. David can't help but glance at the person and note that she was dressed in unusual clothes. The same could be said for the lady who started the conversation. Their group is strange for being dressed as if they are heading towards a special celebration. Like a party for instance, David's mind supplied.

But considering the current times and period, David reasoned that it wasn't unusual to be dressed formally. They were not at the beginning of the year 2000 so he can't expect that there would be ladies wearing more casual and 'freeing' clothes. They were in the period of late '90s. For the people of this period, it was his thinking and opinions that are unusual. Other than the period a factor, he should also consider the country and culture of where he is currently living right now.

Many lessons that were learned upon his many time of reincarnation was that he should accept everything as it is so that it would make everything easier to adjust.

And even the information and knowledge that this world is an Anime on his original and remembered life– He should adjust to that idea and concepts. Yet, David thought that it was absurd and mind-numbing. Even how many times David contemplated and grasp that information, he can never get used to it. Just thinking about those makes him uneasy and uncomfortable. Having different lifetimes of several experiences– those things didn't help on alleviating his worry of crisis once he learned that he was living in what he knew in his previous life and considered as fictional.

While he was engrossed in his thoughts, the ladies continued on their topic of conversation. David continued to listen to the conversation.

" Despite those, we should consider ourselves blessed that many crimes and cases on our country didn't end up as cold cases that festered for centuries except the few. "

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