Chapter 22

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Anyway: here's the update..... my left hand is getting better.

Chapter 22: Tragedy of London (Part 1)

Timeline: 3 months before the fated day
Location: Toronto, Canada

     After going inside the building and finding no trace of Miss Atwood, David was frustrated. David already knows that there is a low chance of finding her inside the building. However, David still hoped that he would be able to find anything. Even if he didn't find Miss Atwood, David hoped that at least he would be able to find any clues regarding that damn bastard pretending to be his dead guardian Arthur Conan Doyle.

David Mitchell swore that he would make that bastard pay. There were a few things that any person shouldn't do or cross when it comes to David. Sullying and tarnishing the name of his dead guardian was one of the most heinous things that David Mitchell wouldn't forgive those deviant criminals.

" Captain David, there wasn't any clue that we can find in the building..... Anything about that person or any traces of his ability... Should we wait for the others and for Miss Helena to find anything about the caller or that Ministry? "

Hearing about Robert's inquiry and suggestions, David sighed. it appears that they have no choice but to wait for the others.

" Looks like we have no choice but to wait for them and we can also inquire about things to the sector of the Canadian Government with their Superpowered Abilities people branch. "

Other than that, there was an important thing that Robert should remember inside his mind.

" However, I don't think that Helena's ability would be useful. "

" Huh? "

Robert turned to look at David with a confused expression. How come Miss Helena's Pathfinding Omniscient ability wouldn't be useful?

David must be reading Robert's doubtful expression on his face as the latter responded while fixing and adjusting the position of the glasses on his face.

" I'm certain that out of the Pathfinding Type Abilities that exist in the world, Helena's Pathfinding is world-class...."

David says with a tone filled with pride before adding.

" However, even though her abilities a world-class, it has their limits like all of the abilities that exist in our world. It wasn't Omniscient as it presented it to be. Without any clues or pictures to present to the target of her ability, Helena's ability wouldn't work even if her ability was capable of finding someone on the other side of the country or continent. "

Robert sighed when he heard David. It looks like that finding that mysterious culprit from that Ministry wouldn't be so easy. Aside from a male-sounding voice that came from the phone using their leader's dead guardian voice and proclaiming themselves as a part of that Ministry, there wasn't much information aside from the things that Miss Atwood told them.

' Ah.. There's also the strange quirk of criminals proclaiming themselves as Big Brother. '

" Let's go and find the government-sanctioned special abilities branch of this Country. If we aren't useful to them by the time the others arrive 8 hours from now, I have Senior Agatha's special communication device that she has given to me. We can ask her if the Order of the Clock Tower has any clues regarding that Bastard or the so-called Ministry. "

Robert nodded his head quietly. Ruminating silently in the background after they got out of the building while David communicating with the local police and relaying information that he found inside the building.

After giving information, David asked the local police to ask about the government-sanctioned ability users organization of this country and to contact them.

Eventually, both David and Robert decided to disappear from the scene for the meantime with the arrival of news reporters who were very eager to get their scoop. Even with David activating his ability and diminishing the fire on the bombed city hall building, it didn't erase the fact that there were people who already died when the bomb went off.

Even with his ability, David wouldn't be able to bring back the dead to life.

Some people cried while the news reporters eagerly reported their cries of grief and sadness over the loss of a loved one.

David erased any traces of guilt and self-hatred that was directed at himself. He rationalizes that it wasn't his fault that he could bring those people back to life or the fact that he wouldn't be able to prevent the bombing from the old city hall.

Whatever this self-hatred that he currently feels towards himself right now was irrational. David decided to bury the Savior Complex that he had deep deep down into his subconscious. David has learned from the Great War that it was impossible to save everyone or for every bad person to have some conscience existing in them no matter how little it is. Not all people are something that can be redeemed or deserve to be saved. The worst kinds of people can go and be left rotting in hell.

This isn't the time for David to be so self-absorbed and egoistic. While David and Robert were watching the greedy and heartless reporters eagerly absorbing information from the grieving loved ones, the medics, and the local police in the background, an hour later, a new group of people arrived at the scene.

A group of five people wearing the same style of clothes. Despite their arrival, David and Robert noted that none of the people had noticed their arrival.

' A stealth-based ability? '

Robert guessed inside his mind. While the people are continuing their businesses, one of the new people notices their presence in the distance outside of the ongoing and busy chaos.

The group of 5 people turned to look at them. David smiled and waved his hand. If he wasn't wrong and judging from the obvious appearance of this group of people wearing the same type of clothes or uniform, then these people are the group of government-sanctioned ability users that David and Robert are waiting for.

Hopefully, these people will be able to give them something useful about that Ministry or that culprit.

Eventually, the group arrived in front of them. One of them, a lady approached them with a smile on her face.

" Can I touch you? "

She asked both David and Robert. Nodding their heads, the lady touched their cheeks briefly before they noticed something different.

The voices of the people from the distance sounded faint and muffled. The lady smiled when she noticed the attention of David and Robert towards the people outside the old city town hall. One of the other four people chuckled and stepped forward. Tipping his top hat towards them before returning them to his head.

" Greetings, I presume you are the one that required our services, Mr. David Mitchell, leader of the 7 traitors?... I should introduce myself don't I? I'm Stephen Leacock, the government-sanctioned organization of the Canadian Alliance of Gifted Users. It's a pleasure to meet you. "

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16 ⏰

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