Chapter 12

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Chapter 12: Mr. Utterson and Little Utterson

       Kyoto University... One of the education facilities in Japan and it could be said the best university in the city. It was the second oldest university in Japan. Founded on June 18, 1897. Recently, a new librarian was recruited at Kyoto University.

It was a foreign man in his early 30s. Possessing black hair and blue eyes. Mr. Utterson is the name of a man. The new librarian at Kyoto University has a pleasant, warm, and amiable personality. As a result of that, he was well-liked by most of the students at the university.

The new librarian lives nearby in an apartment together with his foster son. Possesses black hair and blue eyes, Mr. Utterson's adopted son Utterson Satoshi. Sometimes Mr. Utterson would bring his son to the library with him. According to the University students who have seen Satoshi, he was an adorable kid. Quite a shy kid who likes to read books. But someone who would go out of his comfort zone to help the students in case they are looking for a book that they couldn't find in the library.

Today, the father and son have once again arrived at the Kyoto University library for another day of work. The students who come and go greeted them as usual. And Satoshi was reading another book again.

Mr. Utterson expected everything to be normal today. But it seems that it was different from his expectations.

Around 9: 00 am at the Kyoto University Library, the door opened revealing a dark brown-haired young man with striking blue eyes. His hair has a cowlick in front and a tuft in the back. The color of his skin is slightly pale. The young man was dressed in a school uniform. But it's not the Kyoto University School Uniform. He was also wearing rectangular eyeglasses.

Mr. Utterson's eyes glowed emerald for a moment. Then his posture shifted. Becoming tense and guarded. He hid his adopted son Satoshi behind him.

" You're an ability User... Who are you? "

He asked in a tense and terse tone.

Smiling, the young man replied as he approached Mr. Utterson until he was only a counter away from him. Satoshi was trembling behind Mr. Utterson and clutching his clothes.

" You know in yourself who I am Mr. Utterson... Or should I say, Mr. Robert Louis Stevenson? "

The smile on the young man's face become more pronounced. His smile couldn't be described as gentle. It was more like the smile of a predator preparing to eat his prey.

" So you're a dog sent by the Japanese government? Did you come here to kill me and take back my son? "

Mr. Utterson, no Mr. Stevenson, glared at the young man. He has assumed a protective stance further to his adopted son. The latter has their head down with a fearful expression on his face. Glancing only an instant towards Atsushi, the young man replied.

" Quite close. "

The way he answered was filled with a British accent. Mr. Stevenson shivered when he heard the accent.

" You're one of the Queen's mad dogs.. "

Mr. Stevenson said with conviction and certainty.

" You're from the Order of the Clock Tower... "

Other than them and the Japanese government? Who could have an agenda to hunt and track him down?

Mr. Stevenson waited for the shoe to drop. Leaning forward to the table, the young man then said.

"It is both Mr. Stevenson. But I am more on the side of the Clock Tower. The Clock Tower wanted to capture you while the Japanese government wanted your adopted son back in their clutches...."

The young man trailed off and Stevenson narrowed his eyes. The young man has implied that he wasn't either from the Clock Tower or someone sent by the Japanese government.

" Who are you? "

Once again, Stevenson asked. Looking at the young man, Stevenson deep inside his mind has an ominous premonition.

Smiling, the young man asked.

" Have you heard of the 7 traitors? "

On his seat, Stevenson froze. He could feel the entirety of his body become covered in fear.

Who wouldn't know the Seven Traitors other than someone who has lived under a rock in their entire life or someone foolish that does have a death wish?

Seven Traitors is an international independent organization from any country.

Consist of 7 people who have betrayed their own countries for the sake of ending the Great War and attaining peace.

Some of the members of the 7 Traitors are those who were considered one of the strongest transcendents of their countries before they decided to betray their own countries.

' It's over. '

Stevenson who was filled with despair thought in his mind.

It didn't even enter his mind that the young black-haired man is faking his identity.

Who would dare to claim that they were one of the seven traitors? Those were only the fools that wanted to die and have every country chase after their heads.

Seven Traitors are seven traitors because even if every country is its enemy, they wouldn't care.

They were confident that they would be able to solve every problem that the government organizations sent to them. That's how strong the Seven Traitors were.

Under their absolute strength, everyone had no choice but to bow to their will and maintain their 'friendly' relations and hope to foster friendly relations.

Seven Traitors are someone who you would be afraid to offend.

Seeing Stevenson's fear and Atsushi's worry, the young man's blue eyes that were staring at them softened and said in a gentle tone

" Don't worry I'm not here to hurt you Mr. Stevenson and you're ward. "

" How could you say that? "

Stevenson asked with doubt and suspicion despite his fear.

" I always try to keep and fulfill my promises. "

After saying that, the black-haired young man's features started to change. His black hair was replaced by blond golden color. His striking blue eyes became the color of the radiant light blue sky. His cheeks have freckles which were a little odd. Usually, redheads are the ones who were commonly known to possess freckles.

The school uniform that he wore changed to Victorian-style fashion clothes which mostly wore a color scheme of brown and white. A blue fabric and brown moleskin pouch were hanging on his brown belt. He was holding a bronze metal cane with gears attached to them.

" It's pleasure to meet you Mr. Stevenson and you as well Atsushi-kun... "

Pointing to himself he said

" The name is David Mitchell. "

The leader of the seven traitors.

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