Chapter 15

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Chapter 15:  A chaotic world

     " Here's your herbal drink, Ma'am, and your tea, Sir. "

After placing the two cups of beverage in front of the two individuals. The waitress of the cafe has given the two individuals a stink eye before leaving.

Seeing the behavior of the waitress, David chuckled. Facing the individual in front of him, David faux whispered.

" Senior, look. The waitress isn't pleased with us. She was giving us a look that looks like we are trash in her eyes. She was branding us as heretics.  "

Agatha ignored David's address to her. She has gotten to it, but there were times she can't ignore David's nickname for her and she can't help but berate him for it. As for why it bothered her, Agatha was fond of formal clothing and Victorian-era dresses. Her colleagues and the people that she encountered noted that she was beautiful but 'old-fashioned'. Her mannerisms and the way that she held herself in business– people told her that when confronting her, she didn't act her age.

When she was a child, people noted that she was mature beyond her age. But now that she was in her early 20s, she still get that kind of 'compliments'.

She should be pleased since her intelligence and maturity are being praised by the people. When she was a child, that kind of comment didn't bother Agatha and she gladly accepted them with her head held high. But at this age, that kind of praise started bothering her.

When they were praising her maturity, they are implying that she was older than she looks when she isn't! She was perfectly in her early 20s. Her face and age are the same.

David's address toward her which he hasn't outgrown during their academy days – Agatha wanted David to change it. But the latter was stubborn. Until now even though many things have happened, David was still calling her Senior.

She felt like a grandma when he called him Senior.

Urging down the temptation to glare at him or use her ability, Agatha replied.

" We are free to choose what we want to drink. Is drinking tisane forbidden? "

" But we are in Italy, Senior Agatha!  Land of coffee connoisseurs! "

" You are stereotyping them. "

Pouting, David wanted to retort. Then he notices that he has unconsciously left his seat and standing in front of his senior. He hasn't realized it. David sat once again in his seat before replying.

" It is a fact that coffee is popular in Italy and most of them love it. "

Taking a hanky from her purse, Agatha use it to wipe her lips after taking a sip of tisane. After wiping her lips, she took out the briefcase that was placed beside her chair and place it on the table. David's sky-blue eyes were immediately drawn to them. There was a glint of anticipation within them as he asked.

" Is this it, Senior Agatha? "

Smiling like a Cheshire cat, she replied.

" See for yourself. "

Raising his glove-covered hands, David was prepared to open the briefcase by himself, but he suddenly get warning signs on his head that a bad thing would happen to him if he open the briefcase.

His black glove-covered hands remained in the air, David was staring at Agatha like a child who has denied their favorite toy in the world.

Chuckling, Agatha opened it for him. After the briefcase was opened, the warning signs on his head disappeared.

Inside the briefcase was several pages of paper. David took them and started reading them.

It's been a month since the Order of the Clock Tower request his presence at Yokohama to assist the Japanese Government with the mission given to him.

Unfortunately, things didn't end well for the Japanese Government since David decided to abandon the mission.

It wasn't strange for their organization to abandon a mission if they judge it to go against their established rules. Even if they are offered a large of money, they would not back down on their judgment to abandon a mission if this goes against their creed. Truthfully, they offered money on missions has no temptation value for the members of 7 Traitors.

The 7 traitors weren't lacking in wealth and riches.

Half an hour after being engrossed by the contents of the papers, David Mitchell put down the notes. He glances at Agatha and gives her a grateful smile.

" Thank you Senior. This information is very useful. "

Tapping her fingers on the table 3 times, she asked.

" Is the information sufficient enough to ask the leader of the 7 traitors to hand over Robert Louis Stevenson to us? "

Giving a fake smile, David replied.

" I'm afraid you are asking the impossible Senior Agatha. You are a person that I greatly respect but since Mr Stevenson has joined us, The 7 traitors will not abandon him but he was free to leave on his terms and will. If you want him, you shouldn't have involved us. "

" Unfortunately, as a world-renowned information broker, Mr. Robert Louis Stevenson is one slippery gentleman. "

" The order of the clock tower isn't lacking in resources. "

Agatha didn't deny the accusation. Seeing the silence, David sighed.

" Senior, you are idling. You know that you can't just simply expect things to fall in your lap or shoot two birds with one stone. "

" I know... It was unfortunate... Mr. Stevenson's ability [ Treasure Island ] would be very useful for us. "

Since Robert has become a member of 7 Traitors for 1 month, David has become familiar with his ability. The ability to treasure island has an ability that can identify, hunt, and track the ability users. It can also be used to detect objects that were commonly labeled by people with monetary value.

Like cash, coins, or gemstones.

Naian even asked one time if Robert wanted to use his ability to become a miner which greatly offended the latter.

Eventually, the talk between David and Agatha ended at the cafe. David after leaving the cafe was watching the cloud-covered sky with a solemn look.

The information that was handed to her by Agatha Christie was very useful. It confirmed a lot of things about the state of this world. Since finding Atsushi was different, David decided to ask the Captain of the Order of the Clock Tower to find certain individuals.

The information-gathering network of the Order of the Clock Tower didn't disappoint David. They were fast.

But the contents of the information that they gathered about those people... David doesn't know if he should be glad or worried.

' The person Dazai Osamu and Ango Sakaguchi didn't exist... Yukichi Fukuzawa, Ougai Mori, and Akiko Yosano died in the great war. Ranpo Edogawa is in a rehabilitation center and is an unrepentant kleptomaniac... And the others... It's a mess.. "

Even though he doesn't watch the show in his very first life he remembered, if it was his sister who was an avid fan of the show, learning this thing would make her heartbroken.

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