Chapter 14

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Chapter 14: Ignorance or Fear

  A few days after David's suggestion to Recruit Louis Stevenson as a new member of the 7 Traitors, David was back at Yokohama again. But this time, he was alone which made the representatives of the Japanese government what happened. Others were thinking that he was arrogant and impulsive daring to come out by only himself. Only he without the presence of the other 7 traitors.

As for the representatives of the Clock Tower, they weren't thinking along those lines. David coming by himself was enough. The presence of the leader of the 7 traitors coming by himself was because he was confident about himself and his abilities. Their attacks and abilities would be useless and ineffective on him.

Even though most of the members of the Clock Tower were said to be on the same level as Transcendents, no one wanted to experience David Mitchell's offensive abilities inflicted on themselves.

Just thinking to experience the same actions, and thoughts for seconds, and repeating them endlessly was enough to make them shudder.

An hour of endlessly repeating over and over. It was even said that an hour wasn't the limit of that hellish torture. By the estimate of Agatha Christie, David Mitchell's one aspect of his abilities Fog Atlas dubbed by himself 'Groundhog Day', the time loop feature of David Mitchell's ability wasn't only limited to an hour. By Agatha Christie's estimate, the absolute limit of the time loop aspect was a day. And the target of the ability wasn't limited to one person or object.

During the great war, 'Groundhog Day' which was David Mitchell's one aspect of his abilities during that time has been said to have lasted for 3 hours and affected 100 people at the same time.

There were those people who were forced to experience pain endlessly. Their mind was conscious that they were looping and forced to experience the pain that they went through during that moment of war over and over. And there were also those people who were forced to relive the last moments of their death over and over again.

When the loop ended, those who have experienced the endless loop of pain has been different when they came out of groundhog day. There were those people who decided to commit suicide afraid that they would experience the loop again.

As for those dead people, when the loop ended, they stayed dead and still. A cold corpse with no pulse.

Face with the ignorant Japanese government representatives or the members of Order of the Clock Tower who were looking at him with fear in their eyes and hiding behind their captain, David sighed.

Inside his mind, he was grimacing.

David knows the reason why the members of the Clock Tower were fearful of him. It was because of the things that he have done during the great war. During most of those moments during the war, he was forced to forsake some of his morals.

During the great war, there were those groups of warmongering and violent soldiers whom David saw as an obstacle on the path of ending the great war. Those warmongering and violent special unit soldiers of ability users...

The result of the use of his ability wasn't pretty. David was disgusted with himself as most of those people decided to end their lives while looking at him with fear.

Looking at him like he was the incarnate of the devil himself.

As for why the members of the Order of the Clocktower were looking at him with fear, it just happened that there was video footage of that moment. And it became used as an intimidation tactic for the initiated members of the Order of the Clock Tower.

So David could understand why the order of the clock towers was looking at him the same way those soldiers stared at him before they decided to end their lives.

'Devil Incarnate'

Removing his glance at the members of the clock tower, David Mitchell moves his gaze towards the Japanese government representatives. Their eyes were looking at him with disdain and only a few are giving him cautious glances.

Most of them were ignorant of what he was capable of doing to them. Thankfully the order of the clock tower decided to just keep the video that they acquired from a French soldier at that time by themselves and not spread it around the world.

While he was observing and thinking inside his mind, the sound of a soft chuckle brought him out of his stupor. The sound of that voice makes his ears tingle and brought an indescribable itch on his chest. For him, the sound was pleasant. Looking at the direction where the voice came from, David made eye contact with the Captain of the Order of the clock tower.

With an amused smile on her face, Agatha Christie asked David.

" Mr. Mitchell, you came here by yourself. May I ask if perhaps, you have already completed the mission given to you by the Japanese government representatives? "

Ignoring the strange feeling on his chest, the hypnotic gaze, or the urge to bully his once former senior, David decided to focus on the question and answer them. He was here for business and not to play around.

Returning the smile, David answered. The smile on his face was fake and looked strained as he sweep over his gaze towards the members of the order of the clock tower hiding behind his former senior's back. When he swept his gaze over them, they collectively shivered in fright. Their gazes were fearful, wary, and cautious. There were some whose body language was telling Mitchell that they were ready to retaliate or bolt at any moment.

Deciding to not further activate the member of the order of the clock tower fight or flight instincts, David moves his gaze toward the Japanese government representatives.

" I have already acquired the 2 targets. "

At those answers, the Japanese government representatives perked up.

" Then! "

One of them exclaimed. The person was filled with excitement and delight. But some were looking at him with suspicion.

" If you have already found your mission, why aren't they here with you? "

The person asked his voice filled with distrust. Still wearing a fake smile on his face, David answered.

" It's simple... "

David's blue eyes were currently looking at Japanese government representatives emptily. It was like he was looking at them like they were a pest that he wanted to erase.

"  ... I don't plan on giving them to you. "

" You!! "

David continued.

" From now on, Mr. Robert Louis Stevenson and his charge Nakajima Atsushi are under my protection. And before you make your accusations, I would give you the reason why I don't want to give them to you. Look at what was going on behind your doors. "

Before leaving, David took one last glance at Agatha Christie. David saw his former senior giving him her concealed cunning smile.

Most of the members of 7 Traitors were wary of interacting with Agatha Christie. David can understand why they weren't fond of his former senior. She was a scheming bitch. A very cunning and intelligent person– that was what The Order of the Clock Tower Captain Agatha Christie.

But for David, that trait of hers was one of the things that respected and admired of her.

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