Resin did not miss his AU. He didn't even write it down on his bright gold cuff. Most times, he purposefully avoided it... until he couldn't. Sometimes, he forgot because he didn't write it down. Sometimes, he seemed to purposefully retramatized himself, going back into that unfinished and forgotten AU of his, the place he tore out his own soul for to escape. This was one of those times, and he downed every last drop of his yellow and green paint just to keep his calm and brave face. Everything was so blank, much blanker than him, even on his paintless days. Snowdin was nothing more than a concept of sketches, and Waterfall was a sprinkle of black stars and patches of grey water in open plain. Hotland and New Home hadn't even been started. That dropped off into nothing. Resin could leave in a jiffy. It was the door to the Ruins that was his 'portal' out here. He couldn't leave a concept the way he could finish AUs. He headed straight for the door to leave. He didn't want to see those unfinished things... they would break his metaphorical soul... "wait- was that color?"
You hid behind an unfinished tree within the forest. You'd never seen that skeleton before. You were well aware of Papyrus, the torso, legs, and tail of a skeleton who didn't have arms or a head or even paws to move from the couch of his house to see your broken world you'd been born to. You had never seen a full monster before. He looked... well, he was colorful something you didn't even know existed until now. There was a blue shiny stain on his face and a dark green tank top with a brown sash filled with vials of paints. Over his arms were dark blue sleeves that were kept in place by shiny golden cuffs. There was one around his neck, too. His pants were too big and black, being held up with a bright orange belt. His eyes were colorful too, one an orange diamond and the other, a green question mark. "hello?" He called out uncertainly. You peeked out to see if he had come any closer when your eyes met. He gasped, his question mark shifting into an exclamation point before you ducked away again. Admittedly, you were a little nervous.
Resin had never seen her before, but to put things bluntly, she was beautiful. The most perfect design he'd ever laid eyelights on and he knew for a fact he hadn't tasted his pink paint today. It was something that resonated in every bone in his body, every fiber of his nonexistent soul. He couldn't scare her off. "i'm gonna come closer, ok? you don't need to be afraid!" He announced his intentions clearly to the black and white clad human before he carefully closed in. He pressed his hands into the smooth, unfinished wood, peeking around with a friendly smile. "hi... i'm resin." He introduced himself softly and she looked up at him with shiny [E/C] eyes. Wowie, even if her clothes were still unfinished, his-no their- creator sure took some creative liberties with her colors and tones. Her skin was still [S/C] like that of a normal humans, but her [H/L] [H/C] hair was a beautiful mix of [F/H/C] and [S/H/C]. She gulped nervously and waved shyly at him, before introducing herself. "[Y/N]... I'm [Y/N]..." Resin felt himself shiver as he repeated it. "[Y/N]..."
One of his eyelights had shifted to a four point star while he kinda dazed of. You waved a hand in front of his face anxiously to snap him out of it. "Resin...?" You squeaked nervously. "yes?" He responded immediately, making you breathe out in relief. "Where did you come from...?" You asked softly. He seemed more than happy to tell you. "well, i'm from here, originally! but i got out a long time ago, and now i have an important job to fulfill out there!" Resin paused a moment before grabbing your hands, his eyelight once more an exclamation point. "do you wanna come with me?!" You never knew color, not until now. Now that you knew it, you didn't want it to leave. But who would take care of the concepts? It's all you had been doing since you left the endless blank. "U-um... sure...?" You replied uncertainly. "wait! you'll need a multiverse name!" He tapped a claw to his chin, humming. "oh! how about allure?" You felt your cheeks grow warm and opened your mouth to say something, but he was far too excited now. "it's perfect! come on! i can't wait to show you our home!"
Resin pulled Allure along to the Ruins door. "this is it, our way out! are you ready?" He looked back at her, but the poor thing looked so nervous and uncertain... ah... he may have come on too strong. His tail twitched in a small wag as he looked at her bashfully. "oh, heh, sorry. i got so excited over meeting you, i kinda dragged you along, didn't i?" She fidgited with her hands and nodded. "I-I dunno if I want to leave, Resin... this is all I've known..." He didn't know how to respond to that, not at first. He was disappointed and it probably showed in his eyes. "well, i can't force you..." he set his expression to a determined one instead. "so i will have to visit! if that's ok with you?" Allure smiled and nodded immediately. "Y-yeah! Yeah, ok!" She agreed. Resin pulled Allure into a hug. She squeaked and hugged back quickly. "until next time, ok?" He asked as he stepped back. She nodded again, and watched as Resin crossed the threshold back into his Doodlesphere. The first thing he did was carve a note into his golden cuff. 'Visit [Y/N] in _____tale.'

Feralverse Short Stories
Short StoryYep. This is a thing now. Thanks to @PastaGod_Italy, @AbbyIce16, and April_Gianttale for all the aus!