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Harry gets on his broom, Hermione stops him. Cassiopeia grabbed him
"Harry Potter it's not worth it."
"Shove off Lestrange."
"Harry, no way! You heard what Madam Hooch said! Besides, you don't even know how to fly." Harry flies off to face Draco, ignoring her.
"What an idiot." Harry is now in the air, across from Draco.
"Give it here, Malfoy, or I'll knock you off your broom!"
"Is that so?" Harry makes a dash for him, but Draco twirls around his broom in a 360.
"Have it your way, then!"
Draco hurls the Remembrall into the air, like a baseball. Harry speeding towards a tower before the ball. Just as he is about to hit a window, from which McGonagall is working, he catches it. McGonagall notices this and looks surprised as Harry begins to fly back down to the grounds. The students all cheer as Harry lands back on the ground at ease. They run to see him.
"Good job, Harry!"
"Oh, that was wicked, Harry."
"Harry Potter?"
"Professor please, it's not his fault." Hermione said
"I'm sorry but I need to talk to Harry in private. Harry follow me."
Harry sullenly follows her. Draco and his goons snicker in delight. Cassiopeia nudged draco
"Let's go."
They're all at great hall for lunch. Harry stares at Snape, knowing that he shows dislike for the boy. In the great hall, around midday. The students are all doing their homework. Seamus is trying a spell on a cup.
"Eye of rabbit, harp string hum. Turn this water, into rum." Looks in cup and shakes head.
"Eye of rabbit, harp string hum..."
"Draco watch haha Gryffindor has a walking bomb." Cassiopeia whispered to draco they're watching them
"What's Seamus trying to do to that glass of water?"
"Turn it into rum. Actually managed a weak tea yesterday, before-"
Ron was cut off when a mighty flash occurs. We now see that the cup has exploded and Seamus is left charred. Several students laugh at this as Hermione fans away the smoke with her hand. Suddenly, a flock of owls start coming into the hall from the rafters above.
"Ah. Mail's here!" Ron said
Cassiopeia got a portkey, protection charm necklace and Babbitty Rabbitty and her Cackling Stump.
"What's that Lestrange?"
"Book, necklace and ring, what do you think?"
"I have same ring as yours but different design." He whispered to Cassiopeia
"Portkey?" She asked but draco covered her mouth
"Not so loud."
"Good evening everyone, we have tradition every 10 years there's a festive that we have to vote for everyhouses as prince and princess. Only chosen names will able to be prince and princess. All your votes will be calculated by the goblet of fire. I must remind you only first year is able to participate in this competition." Dumbledore announced

"For sure Malfoy is gonna vote himself

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"For sure Malfoy is gonna vote himself." Harry whispered to Ron
"He will. And no one's gonna compete against him." Ron tasted bitter inside his mouth
A parchment and quilt fly over to everyone's table, Cassiopeia put Draco's name she really doesn't want to be part of it but half of higher year from slytherin put her name Marcus and Adrian did it they're uncle of Cassiopeia and they are determined to put her on a high privilege to please her mom as they got promised to be helped to get high salary job.
"Who did you put draco?"
"Myself what about you?"
"Yours hahaha ik not really interested with this competition."
"Oh but the higher year decided to put your name you have no escape." Cassiopeia slapped her forehead
"Uncle Marcus and uncle Adrian did this."
One by one they put their votes, Draco and Cassiopeia walk together and put their votes she smiles at Harry.

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