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I walked inside to find a seat because everywhere else is full, someone pulled me a two hands in different side I looked at my right it's Theodore and to my left is Draco.
"Come join us Cassi, were playing uno." Theodore said draco is glaring if his glare is a poison Theodore and I are already dead
"Come on cassi." Tracey called me draco let go of my hand I sat next to Daphne
"Cassi can you shuffle the card?"
"Let me try." I shuffled the card 8 times i never realized my hands are faster than snatchers that jester taught me so well.
"Woah that's wicked!" We been playing for almost 5 minutes Draco is already talking to pansy, he can talk to him but when I spotted him resting his head on her shoulder I got upset
"You're cheating!" I said I saw in my peripheral vision draco looked at me in shocked
"I did not." Theodore said
"You did! That's no fair, I've been playing so fairly and you cheated on me."  I put my card last card
"Uno! Hahaha."
Third Person's POV
Draco, Pansy, Blaise, Goyle and Crabbe are talking when Cassiopeia left to go to the bathroom but she heard everything when she got back sitting at the behind of Draco's seats
"Don't tell her, she said yes to me were dating."
"You're gonna make her fall in love?"
"Yup I'll win this dare haha. She's gonna crack to me soon. After I get her virginity I'm gonna leave her."
Cassi looked at the window with pain in the heart, she trusted him and he's just playing with her. She recorded everything she heard as an evidence, they reach their destination draco insisted on helping her with the luggage
"Thanks I can handle myself, I don't need your help." Cassiopeia grabbed her luggage away from draco and she throw it on the file of luggage in the carriage
"What's wrong with you?"
"Nothing, nothing's wrong draco. I just don't want to depend on you, I ain't a girl who depends on someone." Cassiopeia's words marked Draco's mind that she's not gonna be easy, he sat next to her but she's staring at the front area avoiding his gaze her heart shuttered after hearing what he said
"Hey Cass." Theodore greeted her
"Hey, Theodore do you have a mint candy?"
"Yeah here, I got 3 you can have it all. How are you?" She took one and unwrapped it before eating
"Let's talk later Theodore I'm actually thinking right now." Theodore nodded realizing she's not doing fine.
Draco is waiting for her, Cassiopeia walked passingby him.
Cassiopeia sat next to Montague she's avoiding Blaise, draco, pansy, Goyle, Crabbe.
"Why she's avoiding me?" Pansy asked
"She's avoiding me too Parkinson what do you expect?" Draco is so annoyed
After dinner Cassiopeia decided to go for a walk.
Cassiopeia's POV
I sat on the bench, damn it I sat here to have a peace of mind why the fuck his face is so thick to sit here when he's just playing with me? There's no way I'm gonna give my virginity to him. I whistled to call my owl Lula who flew to my lap, I caress her head draco is still sitting next to me is he gonna wait til I walks away? What the fucking annoying.
"Hey Cass." Pansy greeted me I ignored her
"Good evening cassi." Blaise greeted me I still ignored them
"Hey Hermione can I share a sit here?" I asked when I got walked in great hall
"Sure." She said I shoved aside the plate and utensils before I buried my face on the table ny feelings is so heavy I'm so stupid.
"What's wrong?" Harry asked
"Please don't talk to me right now, ignored me."
"If you need someone to talk to were always here." Hermione said and she caress my back.

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