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Cassiopeia's POV
I've been walking back to courtyard when I spotted harry he's all alone I don't know why hermione and ron aren't around with him
"Hey potter why are you all by yourself?"
"Hermione is in the library, Ron got detention."
"And you?"
"Waiting for ginny I actually want to talk to her." He's looking at me and behind my back
"Okay, I gotta go."
Lately I barely walk outside with draco he's avoiding me or I'm the one avoiding him, well how can I talk to him if he's with his girlfriend right? I laid my back on the tree reading a book someone sat next to me.
"Hey Cass how are you?" I looked at the person sitting next to me he's wearing his cardigan but not his robe
"Good, and you?"
"Not too good, I've been think why are you avoiding me."
"Well I'm not technically avoiding you, after all you have a girlfriend I don't want to be the cause of rumors. And honestly I've been thinking what's gonna happen this coming summer break I just hope I won't get locked up to the tower again."
"I told you you're coming with me in Malfoy Manor your parents will be there and I don't have a girlfriend."
"Oh come on Malfoy those cuddles and kisses? That's not what girlfriend is to you? Not unless you don't respect girls."
"No, I'm just messing up with pansy and she knows that."
I shrugged and ignored him I really love black lake it's peaceful even sometimes mermaids always scaring me they just laugh it off when I jump out of scared.
"What about you and potter?"
"There's no us between me and him draco, were just friends. And I don't have time with love life were too young for a relationship, my priority is to pleased both of my parents. I came here not to find a match, mom Vega said it's a mistake to be here that I wasn't belong here, that I suppose to be in Beauxbatons. But I pushed through because I want to learn. I already failed mom Vega, I became Royal Princess even she disagree with it." I look at draco he's not talking, did I say something wrong?
"I'm thinking if you want to be my girlfriend."
"I don't know draco, I told you were to young for this if you can wait til we turn 13."
"I thought you're already 13!"
"I'm only 12 duh." Is he an idiot? Doesn't know I'm his age, tsk.
"Sorry you looks like 13"
"What!!!! They said I look like 8 duh." He laughs damn it he's teasing me.
"You're teasing me, do you realized last year you looks like 5? No joke I thought you're 5." He's staring at me I can't stop I need to hold my laugh.
"I look like 5 years old? Are you kidding me?" He is a quick-tempered I could see his ears are all red oh my gosh I can't stop laughing so hard.
"Think its funny do you?"
"Wait I remember that line hahaha I'm not Weasley." I saw a frog and I quickly grabbed it I'm about to throw it to him but he scream like a girl running away I chased him til we reach in common room he acted like a tough one when he saw there's a lot of students in common room
"Cassi don't you dare to put that to me."
"You want potion right hahaha here's the toad for the ingredients."
"Throw it to draco." Blaise said I throw it and landed on Draco's head we all are laughing at his moves he looks like monkey dancing with a frog

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