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Draco's POV
"Oh look at you dear you're look exactly Avela you're so beautiful." I heard Avela I run downstairs I'm so sure it's Cassi.
"Hello." Her hair is brunette again her beauty is still baby face but her height improved.
"How's your summer?" Great Draco great
"It's a better summer break, I meet my siblings, mom avela's relatives are very kind and loving, you know it's not like my summer with adoptive parents."
Cassiopeia's POV
"We're expecting you to marry a pureblood were not rushing you but you know our family tradition."
"Yes granny I understand and I know, I have one person in mind but I don't know if he likes me too. Well he confessed that he wants me to be his girlfriend."
"Pure sure you rejected it"
"Not rejected but I ain't ready for that were too young for a relationship granny. Now I'm not sure if he's sure of me. Granny I need an advice how to get his attention, I tend to be introvert."
"Oh dear, what corvus did to you? Locking you in tower made you introvert, we'll throw party every holidays when you are home and I want you to associate with everyone."
End of flashback
"Are you okay?" Draco asked I smile at him
"Yes sorry I'm thinking hahaha."
"About what?" He's staring at me
"How did you manage from being little cute boy to a cute hottie boy."
"Hahaha what?" I covered my mouth
"Holycricket! I said it out loud?" My eyes widen
Draco's POV
I've been talking to her about my summer but she's not on her zone.
"Are you okay?" I stared at her
"Yes sorry I'm thinking hahaha." What are you thinking? Please I hope it's about our future like I'm always thinking
"About what?" I keep staring at her remembering her beauty
"How did you manage from being little cute boy to a cute hottie boy."
"hahaha what?" She's blushing and covered her mouth
"holycricket! i said it out loud?" Her eyes widen hahaha she's thinking of me being cute and hot I burst into laughter
"No, what are you thinking?" I lied to her I don't want to embarrassed herself if that's what she think
"Thank goodness, I am thinking of joining Quidditch."
"You should join, you're great at broomstick." She pouted at me staring at my eyes
"I don't want to be against Gryffindor, Hufflepuff or ravenclaw."
"So what is your plan?" I'm curious if she's planning to go to Hogsmeade with me every free time.
"Professor Mcgonagall is looking for help, I might apply or might be a librarian you know madame pince she hates the books scattered around."
"Come on, find another past time. What about we go Hogsmeade and scare potter?"
"I learned my lesson draco, after what you did no way."
"Cassi sweetie can you come with me?" Mom asked she stood up and walks towards mom
"Yes Mrs. Malfoy." They left me
Mom and father already told me I had to find a bachelorette soon they gave me option and one of them is Pansy Parkinson, Millicent Bulstrode but there's no Cassiopeia Lestrange I'm thinking why. I approached Avela to asked this is the only one way to find out.
"Excuse me Mrs. Lestrange"
"Yes Draco? What is it?"
"Can I asked if Cassiopeia ever got her bachelor list? Is she arranged to someone?"
"No, we want her to decide who she wants to marry, we asked her if she is okay with arrange marriage but she said she's not ready for that and want to explore her teen life after all I could see my daughter towards you, she likes you more than a friend but couldn't find right way to express it. Also your mom asked for Cassi's hand but I told your mom it is on my daughter's decision now not on me."
"Uhm okay thank you."
Cassiopeia's POV
Narcissa told me about the list of choices she gave to draco if ever he got arrange, luckily I'm not in the list I ain't ready for any commitments when it's about marriage.

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