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"Seems house cup is ours!" Cassiopeia smirked
"True, our teamwork and hard work pay off, we didn't get in any trouble. Lucky us malfoy, goyle and crabbe didn't get caught." Blaise snickered
"Ah were not the only ones who's trouble, don't forget cassi almost killed potter by jinxing his broomstick." Draco sneered
"You can't die being jinx on the broom duh."
Everyone's waiting for announcement when the flag of Slytherin became decorations.

"Everyone's waiting for announcement when the flag of Slytherin became decorations

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"This year slytherin wins the house cup, well done slytherin well done

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"This year slytherin wins the house cup, well done slytherin well done." Dumbledore announced Gryffindor applaud unenthusiastically.
After their breakfast everyone bids a goodbye to everyone.
"Hey cassi you're visiting manor right?"
"Depends draco, what if your parents are bringing you in other country for summer break right?"
"Then join us."
"No way!"
"Now you're rejecting me?"
"Not really, my parents want to spent holiday with me were going to visit our relatives."
Cassiopeia's POV
My adoptive parents picked me up they have a letter from my father rabastan I'll be spending half month of summer break with my adoptive parents.
"Your room is here." Mom said

I'm not surprised I have small room I don't feel good but I grow up with them and I got used to their presence and how they treat me

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I'm not surprised I have small room I don't feel good but I grow up with them and I got used to their presence and how they treat me.
"Thanks I'm fine here mom."
"If you need anything you know what to do." I nodded at mom.
I go downstairs to check what's going on, my adoptive parents and siblings are celebrating while I'm upstairs at the tower I ran back before they spotted me creeping around.
Dear Cassiopeia Lestrange,
Come home, you know where you are always welcome I know you're not doing fine. I'm at Malfoy Manor my parents is staying too.
From: DM
Dear Draco Malfoy,
I can't leave now, I have to wait 1 month before I can leave again we have visitors here. See in Diagon Alley soon.
From: Cassi
I buried the letters from friends inside my enchanted trunk.
"Cassiopeia! Go downstairs!" Mom shouted I ran downstairs she handed me a gardener's uniform
"Help at the garden." Mom said
After wearing gardener's uniform and helped at the greenhouse I had to bath the horses honestly I'm exhausted and hungry.
"Here eat this." Dad handed me a sandwich and water not enough to ease the hunger but could do better than nothing.
"After you eat, train the horse." Mom said
In few weeks I got exhausted and too hungry I've been waiting for my real parents they didn't come did they forgot about me?
Flourish and Blotts Bookseller
"Famous Harry Potter, Can't even go to a bookshop without making the front page." Draco sneered, who wants a photograph with gilderoy he's a fraud
"Leave him alone, he didn't want all that!" A small girl said I guess she's a Weasley I walk forward
"Hi Ron, Harry, Hermione, Fred! George!!!"
"Oh look potter you got yourself a girlfriend!" Draco smirked he's staring at the small girl
"Did I'm seeing a Malfoy having a crush on a Weasley? What's her name?" I asked
"Ginny Weasley" draco responded
"Yikes someone is in love." I said and grabbed my items before leaving
"Wait Cassi are you jealous?" Am I?
"No, I'm just exhausted I need to go. See you in train or Hogwarts." I don't think, I don't think I'm jealous.

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