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"Potter! Seriously? Sneaking behind my back? Can't you just approach me without giving me a heart attack?"
Draco's POV
Is she fancy potter? She seems having a mini heart attack around him, I'm more of handsome than him, why is she blushing at him?
"Sorry, I just want to say thank you for the shirt I like it. Sorry I didn't get you anything." He's smiling at her his pupils are dilated.
"That's fine potter, I got a best gift this Christmas I'm fine with that, draco gave me a scarf that I'm wearing." Damn I never realized she's wearing the scarf I gave her
"That's beautiful scarf, it fits on you. Uhm what about I gave you this chocolate frog? Is that okay with you?"
"I'm fine potter seriously, keep it." I can't help but to smile she's rejecting him
"Okay I guess he's waiting for you, see you around." He left after I approached Cassiopeia thank goodness he left us
"Someone's in love." I whispered to her ear she bite her lower lip
"I'm not in love, blimey draco I don't have any crush. Come on I'm cold I want some hot tea."
Am I in love with her? This is wrong, she's my friend mom thinks her as a daughter.
Third Person's POV
"Potter is in the quidditch, I'll be playing next school year father already promised me to do something about it."
"Hahaha you're so jealous of him don't you?"
"No! There's no way I'm gonna let him ruin my reputation I want to be a seeker too." Cassiopeia laughs so hard that even other houses are watching her she barely eat her meal because of laughter
"Go on Cass laugh as long as you can, we'll see who's the last laugh." He is so upset and ignored Cassiopeia
Cassiopeia sat next to Pansy
"What happened with draco?" Pansy asked staring at draco who's glaring at harry
"Jealousy hahaha. I swear he's so jealous of harry being in quidditch, if he didn't throw that ball near Mcgonagall's office harry won't be in quidditch." Pansy look shocked
"So that day of flying class it's Draco's fault why harry got in the team?"
"Yup, potter told me."
In Professor Flitwick's class. Filtwick is very short, and is standing on a stand for his stature and to see his class.
"One of a wizard's most rudimentary skills is levitation the ability to make objects fly. Uh, do you all have your feathers?" Hermione raises hers.
"Good. Now, uh, don't forget the nice wrist movement we've been practicing, hmm? The swish and flick. Everyone."
"The swish and flick."
"Good. And enunciate. Wingardium Leviosa. Off you go then." The class begin to enunciate and doing the movements on their feathers
"Wingardium Levio-saaa."
"Draco stop stop stop you're saying it wrong. It's Levi-o-sa, not Wingardium Levio-saaa." Cassiopeia straightens up and swishes her wand.
"Wingardium Leviosa." The feather glows and lifts up.
"Oh, well done! See here, everyone! Ms. Lestrange's done it! Oh, splendid!"
"Are you Hermione Granger 2.0? Know it all?" Draco sneered
"Fine if you don't want my help tell me and don't insult me. Goodness Draco I'm being a good friend and you are being jerk towards me." Cassiopeia exchange a sit with Ernie who seems interested at watching Susan closer.

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