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"For the first task this is the battle of the brains, slytherins when I call your name walk forward Draco Malfoy, Cassiopeia Lestrange, Theodore Nott, Daphne Greengrass, Blaise Zabini and Pansy Parkinson, for Ravenclaw Padma Patil, Mandy Brocklehurst, Morag MacDougal, Lisa Turpin, Su Li, Anthony Goldstein, Michael Corner, Terry Boot, Kevin Entwhistle and Stephen Cornfoot, for Gryffindor Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Neville Longbottom, Dean Thomas, Seamus Finnigan, Hermione Granger, Lavender Brown, Parvati Patil, Eloise Midgen and Romilda Vane and lastly Hufflepuff Ernie Macmillan, Wayne Hopkins, Zacharias Smith, Hannah Abbott, Susan Bones and Megan Jones."
"Haha Longbottom?" Draco whispered to Theodore
A table and chair are set all the audiences are watching at the back.
"Neville good luck, you can do this." Cassiopeia whispered to Neville and she smile at him every contestants are all settled Cassiopeia is Infront in the middle to her right is Hermione and to her left is Draco she glance at both side
"I'm gonna kill you uncle Marcus." She whispered to herself
"First subject is Divination." Mcgonagall announced
"No! That's unfair. We barely have class in divination." They all bickered around
"Silence!" A cup and a tea kittle popped up on their table Cassiopeia gross out at unfiltered tea Cassiopeia raised her hand
"Yes Ms. Lestrange?" Trelawney asked approached her
"I got crescent."
"May I see my dear. Ooh Prosperity, fame, happiness and success. If cloudy, difficulties will be solved. Near future dear, you got a good omen." Trelawney show it to the other professors and they approved it.
"Good omen for a long lost Lestrange huh. That child suffered in few years her own parents despised her if it's not for rabastan." Dumbledore said
The others are done too they're waiting for another task.
"For the second task is History of Magic" professor binn said
"Yikes this is worst I hate History I read all kinds of history of magic in the castle and I barely sleep to transcribing it."
"Haha you're gonna face it either you like it or not."
"I just hope we don't need to do astronomy I'm worst at it."
After few days of competition Cassiopeia is about to give up.
"I hate this. I'm not going to continue this."
"Come on Cass, you know I prefer to be with you as a princess than Daphne or pansy."
"Rude Malfoy." Daphne said
Hogwarts throw a huge festive.

" Daphne saidHogwarts throw a huge festive

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"Please come forward for the top 2 contestants for Slytherin Draco Malfoy, Theodore Nott, Pansy Parkinson and Cassiopeia Lestrange, for Hufflepuff Hannah Abbott, Susan Bones, Ernie Macmillan and Zacharias Smith, for Ravenclaw Lisa Turpin, Padma Pa...

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"Please come forward for the top 2 contestants for Slytherin Draco Malfoy, Theodore Nott, Pansy Parkinson and Cassiopeia Lestrange, for Hufflepuff Hannah Abbott, Susan Bones, Ernie Macmillan and Zacharias Smith, for Ravenclaw Lisa Turpin, Padma Patil, Anthony Goldstein and Terry Boot for Gryffindor Ronald Weasley, Dean Thomas, Hermione Granger and Parvati Patil."
"Potter didn't made it." Cassiopeia whispered to Draco he smirked
"Pity, even a pity from professor couldn't put him in the top 2." Draco chuckles
"Please welcome our top 2!" Everyone's clapping they saw Cassiopeia and some are whispering
"Isn't that the child they locked up for years? Poor girl, look at her she's so beautiful to locked up just because she's Lestrange."
"Rabastan took her away from her abusive mother."
"She manage to get in top 2 I guess she got her father's brain."
"Her mother is a enchantress it's very powerful and super smart witch."
Draco hold Cassiopeia's hand
"Now this is the results and records of every top 2." A huge hologram of them show up they're being recorded Cassiopeia is always got it first but they show how she has a breakdown when it comes to muggle studies and astronomy she cried and almost lost the time but did made it after 10 minutes. They all are clapping at her mental stability and focus, hermione feel bad for Cassiopeia it seems like she's traumatized of lose and failure.

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