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Someone is knocking on the door I open it draco is carrying a book, a chocolate and pumpkin juice for two.
"Hey come in."
"What are you doing?" he asked staring at the bed
"Laying on the bed thinking about watching the stars. I could use a wish right now." I just really want to wish that I can change everything in the past but it's impossible.
"Let's go to the observatory, we might find a wishing star." He offered his hand but I pulled him into hug
"Forget about it, I don't want to go out and wish then gets disappointed."
"What's wrong? You can tell me what you feel."
"It's not important, I guess I'm just confused."
"What are you confused of?"
"My feelings Draco, it's confusing. One time I hate relationship but all of sudden I don't want to lost you with anyone else this is fucked up, I was doing fine on my own til you come to my life. You ruined me, you drive me insane. I don't need a man, I don't need your hands all over me but what the fuck! I can't stop thinking about you next to me it feels right in the wrong time. I'm a fool." He pushed me in the bed pinning me closer kissing my lips gentle but I could feel the needs, I could feel the passion and love.
"Be my girlfriend I'll do my best to make everything right." He whispered to my ear and kissing my jaw to my neck I couldn't help but to bite my lower lip holding my little moan I'm a ticklish one
"Draco s-stop."
"Sorry. Uhm what's your answer?"
"Of course yes."
"You won't regret it I promise." He whispered and kissed my neck again
"Are you damn leaving a mark? Draco were heading to Diagon Alley tomorrow. Goodness."
"You're wearing turtleneck haha."
"Shut the hell up, stop it."
"What's wrong?" He's staring at me
"I need to check mom she's downstairs also I'm a little hungry."
"I forgot to bring snack sorry." He got off of me I looked at the mirror thanks Merlin's beard there's no hickey we both headed downstairs luckily he didn't put a hickey on my neck if he does I swear I'll be so upset.
"What do you want to eat?"
"Anything you have." He literally grabbed a whole cake my goodness
"Draco!!! Too much." I got ¼ slice of cake
"By the way Cassi, pansy is initiating that were dating I told her that I don't like her at all."
"It's not my problem if you cheat on me draco I gave you a chance. Right now I don't want to talk about pansy."
Draco's POV
I saw Cassi and Potter at Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour I told her to wait for me since I need to get a new quidditch jumper and uniform she already got everything she need. I could hear her laughing
"So your uncle fall did he flat? Haha."
"I wish but nah, he's still big fat bully."
"You are so funny haha."
"What's so funny about saint potter? Having a not so beautiful haircut?"
"Shove off Malfoy!"
Cassiopeia's POV
"Shove off Malfoy." Harry pushed draco
"Harry please, I'm sorry about his behavior." But harry left with Ron and Hermione at the door waiting for him
"Seriously cassi? You're sorry to him when he pushed me." He fixed his suit and slacks I sighed
"Draco you do realized were just talking and you insulted him."
"I knew it, at the very first start you're in love with Potter." He walk out of the shop leaving me all by myself

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