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"Hi Harry good morning, may I?"
"Sure, no problem. How's your sleep?"
"I guess good, but it was ruined when I see her face. Annoying right? Well where's Ron and Hermione?" He smile and look at the other table
"Oh a date. Hahaha lucky Granger." I can't understand I'm so jealous of pansy.
"Good morning Cassi." Draco sat next to my right
"Good morning." And there she is pansy sat next to him ugh can't I have a good breakfast without a flirt next to me? A mail flocked on my table I open the parchment it's a teddy bear there's a name on it Dear Cassi, cheer up and fighting! You can do it. You're strong and brave I know it, I admire you because of that. from: Harry Potter
"Thanks Harry. This is my first stuffed toy I ever had I really love it."
"Your welcome." Harry said
"Drakey" pansy started to cling on Draco's arm harry and I laughs hard she looks like a desperate dog.
"Draco you're sitting next to me in charm class right?" I asked him he look surprised with my question
"Yes, why?" He smirked
"If you're sitting with me I don't want any distraction like your girlfriend. No offense pansy, I don't hate you and I don't dislike you but I don't either understand why you're being annoying around with Malfoy."
"Just admit it, you're jealous." Draco and pansy said
"In your dream." I rolled my eyes are them
"Gilderoy Lockhart, Order of Merlin, Third Class, Honorary Member of the Dark Force Defense League, and five times winner of Witch Weekly's Most Charming Smile Award. But I don't talk about that; I didn't get rid of the Banden Banshee by smiling at him. Now, be warned. It is my job to arm you against the foulest creatures known to Wizard kind." Taps a cage with a cloth over it; it rattles
"You may find yourself facing your worst fears in this room. Know only that no harm will befall you whilst I am here. I must ask you not to scream. It might provoke them!" Pulls the rag off to reveal dozens of pixies
"Freshly caught Cornish Pixies!" [
Seamus snickers
"Laugh if you will, Mr. Finnigan. These Pixies can be devilishly tricky little blighters. Let's see what you make of them now!" Gilderoy opens the cage and the entire class erupts into chaos as the pixies escape
"Come on now, round them up, round them up, they're only pixies!"
"You're harming students! You have no talent at all why did you apply as a professor when you're a fraud?" I shouted everyone's running out I pixie grabbed my hair
"Aaaah leave me alone" I tried to hit it
"Don't move cassi let me help you." Harry hit it with a book I looked at Hermione in an instant we both cast the spell
"Immobolus!" All the pixies froze in the air
"Why it's always me?" Neville asked
"Harry, Ron can you get a ladder?" I asked
"Wait I'll get it." Harry said they hold it for me
"Don't let go the ladder, Harry, Ron I don't want both us to fall down I'm trying to reach his cloak, Neville can you take off your cloak?"
"I'll try"
"Don't worry I'll catch you come on neville." I grabbed his collar when he took off his cloak we both almost fall down he hugged the ladder
"Good job Neville. Now go down." When we go downstairs we walked straight to potion class.
"Pansy that's my seat."
"Go seat with Potter." She said I looked at draco he's smirking I leave them and sat next to Harry then put my head on his shoulder
"Today you will learn to brew the Wiggenweld Potion. It is a powerful healing potion that can be used to heal injuries, or reverse the effects of a Sleeping Draught." Snape said
We've been asked to write everything and brew it after that he asked as to write essay for the potion.
"Could I have your attention please? Right, now, today, we will be transforming animals into water goblets. Like so. One, two, three. Vera Verto. Who wants to try it? Ahh Mr. Weasley" Ron clears his throat
"Vera verto." Everyone's laughing at his failure his wand is broken I don't know why.
"That wand need a replacement Mr. Weasley." Professor Mcgonagall said everyone tried it

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