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"What is Azkaban?" Harry asked
"Azkaban - the wizard prison, Potter." said Malfoy, looking at him in disbelief.
"Honestly, if you were any slower, you'd be going backward." I walk away from them I don't like being in between of them
"Good evening we have another festival all the prince and princess from every houses. A royal family will be choosing a house to be officially royalty in wizarding world." Dumbledore announced draco and I are expert at being graceful and full of decorum since we both grow up being taught of a good manners on table and how to great a royal family. Everyone's lining up, every December we have this festive I guess dumbledore didn't realized he's using our Christmas holiday for a festive one to gather everyone and some are leaving for family gathering. Narcissa came to hogwarts to train me and draco how to be a royal prince and princess she really loves lavish things for her son and herself no wonder draco always look expensive.
"Remember to address the king and queen greet them with curtsy call them your majesty, for the family members call them royal highness, for the duke and duchess call them your grace. The posture Cassi don't forget, chin up a bit don't restrain your just relax it, draco I want you to be gentleman don't forget the curtsy." For few weeks of training, the other prince and princess are pretty annoyed with us taking it seriously, who doesn't? We hold our family name, we don't want a disgrace.
"You think granger gonna last 5 minutes on this?" Draco whispered to me couldn't help but to look at Hermione she'll do great.
"She will." I whispered back
What do we expect a few winged abraxan with carriage behind them are being pulled over, every prince and princess greeted the royal family of wizarding world. Draco and I synchronized when we brow.
"You look so beautiful." He whispered to me
"Thanks, you don't look bad either."
Draco's POV
We're sitting on the couch when cassi fall asleep on my shoulder.
"Draco I heard that potter is going to make a move towards cassi." Pansy said she seems trying to psych me
"He does?" As I asked cassi moved a bit I could feel she's struggling on her position I laid her and let her head on my lap
"You'll see Draco, you have two choices, date me or date cassi." She's really psyching me
"You know I'm not gonna date you right? I'm just messing up with you because I really like to see if she's gonna get jealous but we both forgot that Cassiopeia is an independent one she doesn't need me or potter."
"Independent but doesn't understand her own emotion, draco we both know too that she fancy you." I don't know, she's really hard to read everytime she's around she didn't stick with me for a long time, she choose whomever she want to spent her time with.
"We're just friends, and she didn't fancy me."
Third Person's POV
An elegant entrance from students started, they got followed by the royal family.
"Please welcome princes and princesses of four houses. From Slytherin Prince Draco Malfoy and Princess Cassiopeia Lestrange." They applaud at her, she's wearing a silver dress while Draco is wearing an all black suit draco gave Cassiopeia a twirl before the bow
"From Gryffindor Prince Ronald Weasley and Princess Hermione Granger." Ron is wearing an orange brown suit while Hermione is Wearing a red dress
"From Ravenclaw Prince Anthony Goldstein and Princess Padma Patil!" Anthony is wearing a blue and white suite that Padma paired with her silver blue dress.
"Lastly from Hufflepuff Prince Ernie Macmillan and Princess Hannah Abbott" Ernie wore a Black and Silver suit while Hannah wore a yellow dress. Their dress and suit are sponsored by Gladrags Wizardwear to promote his clothing store. The music start, Draco lead Cassi to the dance floor followed by Ernie and Hannah who got followed by Ron and Hermione lastly is Anthony and Padma.

 The music start, Draco lead Cassi to the dance floor followed by Ernie and Hannah who got followed by Ron and Hermione lastly is Anthony and Padma

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Royal family are pleased to every houses royalties.
"That slytherin ones are perfect." The queen said
"Your majesty do you want to see everyone's record?" Dumbledore asked
"Yes please, it's a huge help."
Draco is staring at Cassiopeia's eyes who's staring at him too.

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