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"Hey, Cass what is it?"
"Can we go for a walk? I can't sleep."
"I can't either, let's go. Wait let me get some extra coat and scarf for you." He took a scarf and coat from his dorm and we headed out, I keep breathing heavily
"What's wrong?"
"Just a bad night, I don't understand why they can't stop talking about my parents, it's in the past whatever happened."
"Do you want to tell me what happened? Or you want it secret? You can trust me." He said and we both sat under the tree at black lake.
"You won't judge me?"
"I'm not gonna judge you I promise." I rested my head on his shoulder we both staring at the starry night
"When I was born mom is disappointed that I ain't a boy, when she had a boy they put me on a mansion where I couldn't go out, there's a house elves served me everything, a squib as a teacher, caretaker and a nanny everytime I asked if I could go for a walk they won't allow me unless there's a Disillusionment Charm around the mansion, when I met uncle rabastan at the mansion I asked for help but mom burned every letter that uncle rabastan send me, couldn't do anything she's beating me. My older brother is in Bulgaria studying at Durmstrang he despise mom for being abusive. I've learned that I should suck up what I want and do what she want til uncle rabastan find a way to get me out of that miserable situation. She marked me too." I show him my mark

"Sun symbolizes the supreme cosmic power – the life-force that enables all things to thrive and grow

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"Sun symbolizes the supreme cosmic power – the life-force that enables all things to thrive and grow. In some cultures, the Moon symbolizes death, birth and resurrection. Its feminine qualities bind it to Mother Goddess. Mother told me one of a billion witch has one and they're very remarkable." Draco said
"I don't believe with it, I'm not remarkable. I'm just nothing but disappointment for the family, dad let mom to abused me physically and mentally I just hold on uncle's promise that's why I'm still alive."
"You can come to our manor you're gonna be safe there, mom will be great to meet you and treat you as her own."
"Thanks draco but I have to go back to my parents flat, they are not gonna be happy if I didn't go home they're gonna think I run away."
"Okay I understand but hey you're always welcome to our manor."
"Thanks draco."
I saw a dragon constellation and I pointed at him
"Look it's you!" he smile at it
"It's beautiful."
"I know right, that's why draco is my favorite constellation."
"You said you're not good at Astronomy?" He looked at me and I chuckles
"The only constellation I know is Carina, Bellatrix, Andromeda, Cassiopeia, Beta carinae, Sirius, Lyra, draco, Orion and regulus hahaha but I ain't really good at Astronomy."
"What do you think of Bellatrix?" He's smirking at me
"Bellatrix is a spectral type B2 III with a variable apparent magnitude between 1.59 and 1.64. Its absolute magnitude is -2.78. Based on this, the star's general color is blue. Bellatrix is a massive star with about 8.6 times the Sun's mass."
"What about Ursua minor?"
"You're abusive Draco, I don't know."
"Come on let see if you really don't know."
"Fine Ursua minor hmm known as the Little Bear, is a constellation in the Northern Sky. Like the Great Bear, the tail of the Little Bear may also be seen as the handle of a ladle, hence the North American name, Little Dipper: seven stars with four in its bowl like its partner the Big Dipper. Area 256 sq. deg. 56th."
"You are good at Astronomy just lack of self confidence. Don't let the others tell you that you aren't good at something, always remember you are good at everything."

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