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It's 4 days now and I visited Cassiopeia
"Please madam pomfrey I already missed 3 classes. I can't afford getting D on my record."
"You're still not okay, you have to listen to me or you're going to spread fever with your classmates."
"Don't worry I got you a copy of our lesson, granger and I team up to do your homework. You have to get well soon before my first match." Her face brighten she seems excited
"Really? You got in quidditch?? Oh I'm so happy for you!"
"You did?"
"Of course duh! You are my bestfriend I should be so proud of you for being in the team."
"But you have to listen to madam pomfrey if you want to watch my match."
"Okay I promise I will be have." She pouted what a cute one did I laugh a bit loud?
After class I visited her
"I don't want it, it's nasty."
"Ms. Lestrange please you have to drink this it's the only way you'll get fine."
"What's that?" I asked
"Cure for ague nasty taste but effective. Maybe she'll listen if you are the one who asked her to drink it." Madam Pomfrey handed me a cup of nasty stinky medicine
"Cassi please drink this, you need it. Remember you promise me earlier."
"Didn't you smell it? It's disgusting."
"You want to swallow whole ashwinder egg or drink this? You have a choice." She's crying poor cassi
"Come on Cass please don't be a baby. Just one drink for me?" She looked at my eyes begging not to let her drink it but she's still burning in fever she took the glass and she drink it I gave her a pumpkin juice
"Thanks draco. You're the only one who always here for me."
That's not true, Hermione came to see you, potter visited you too, pansy brought you a mint plant because Neville told her it might help you to get a good sleep, Blaise came to tease you to make you laugh, Ron visited with Fred and George they gave you a sweater that their mom knitted for you.
"It's fine." Damn it why I can't tell her everything I'm being too selfish.
Third Person's POV
Cassiopeia got back to her feet she's all good again Draco gave her an jumper for the quidditch match

——————————————————————————————————————————————————————Third Person's POVCassiopeia got back to her feet she's all good again Draco gave her an jumper for the quidditch match

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Cassiopeia had to tie the jumper to make it looks fit on her
"Malfoy got himself a fan." Draco approached Cassi
"It looks good on you, I'll get the golden snitch for you."
"Go draco! Go draco! Go draco!" Cassiopeia cheered for draco, she waved a Gryffindor banner for 10 seconds harry spotted it he smiles at her. The game started Slytherin is scoring a lot, harry and draco is head to head a Bludger hit Harry's head that made him fainted and Draco caught the golden snitch.
"Slytherin wins!"
Cassiopeia ran down of the quidditch stadium hugging draco as a congrats
"Congrats Draco you did it."
"For you." Draco and Cassiopeia raise the golden snitch together
"I'll see you later draco I need to see harry he got hit by the Bludger luckily it's not you, but I really need to see him." Cassiopeia is running as fast as she could to reach hospital wing
"How is harry?"
"He's fine, thank you for asking."
"I run as fast I could to see his condition I'm so worried about him." Cassiopeia sat next to Harry's bed and hold his hand he is moving
"Harry?" Harry smiles seeing cassi
"You waved it." He muttered
"Of course, for you. You think I'm too cruel to not support your team?" He chuckles
"Don't move potter, here a healing potion you need it." Pomfrey made him drink 1 vial of healing potion
"Thank you, cassi why are you wearing his jumper? Are you two dating?" Harry asked
"No, he's my bestfriend and I support him that's why." Harry nod a bit.

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