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"Hey Cass how's summer break?" Pansy asked
"I don't feel so good. Sorry pansy talk to me later." Cassiopeia rested her head on the table she fall asleep draco sat next to her
"Since she sat there she's been sleeping were so loud but she didn't bother to woke up, I don't think she's okay." Pansy said Blaise checked Cassiopeia's forehead and neck
"Cassi is sick." Blaise said
"Any from the trolley dear?"
"Excuse me Ma'am, do you have a medicine for fever? Our friend right here is having a fever." Draco said
"Yes wait a minute." She rummage something on her box and gave 3 tablets she gave free water too
"Wake her up and tell her drink it."
"Thank you." The trolley leave, draco wake cassi
"Cassi wake up." She groan
"Ugh leave me alone." She burst into tears
"Come on cassi you need to drink this medicine you have fever. Have you ever being fed by your adoptive parents?" Draco asked
"Malfoy grab her she's not gonna drink it by herself if she doesn't have strength. I'll shove the medicine inside her mouth." Blaise suggested
Draco grabbed cassi on her jaw and she was forced to open her mouth they shoved the tablet on her throat and made her drink some water she cough a bit because of choking in tablet and water
"She's so lightweight Blaise."
"You have to tell this to her real parents Draco, you know you have too, because she didn't do it. They're abusing her." Pansy said
Draco is thinking how he'll bring Cassi to the castle he barely lift a bed Hagrid is outside Crabbe and Goyle called Hagrid to asked some help.
"Hagrid you have to take Cassiopeia in hospital wing. She's having a high fever." Pansy said
"Don't worry I'll do that." Hagrid lifted Cassiopeia out of train
"Oh dear too light for a 12 years old."
"She's 13 you bloody twat. Move quickly and don't wait for her to die." Draco shouted.
"I feel bad for cassi, she's in the hospital wing right now." Hermione said
"Let's visit her, I'll go get a flower and fruits for her." Harry said
"We should visit her now harry before we got caught by the curfew come on, Ron are you coming?"
"Yeah let's go." They pulled harry the only thing he got took is apple and banana from great hall they saw Cassiopeia she's still sleeping.
"How is she?" Harry asked
"Bad, very bad condition potter, she's malnourished and exhausted from work. I had to see her memories to know her activities for few months."
"Is she gonna be okay? I mean you'll find a way to help her right?" Hermione asked
"Of course, she need foods and vitamins, I already instructed a house elf to bring some food on her every 4 hours she needs to eat. Don't worry she'll be fine."
"And about her parents?" Ron asked
"Don't tell anyone, her adoptive parents abused her physically and mentally, they did this to her. Professor Snape is already contacted her real parents but they said her adoptive parents hides her away from them. They instructed draco to bring her to Malfoy Manor every summer break and holiday so that she could be safe. Her adoptive parents are on wanted list now." Pomfrey explained everything to the trio, Draco is listening from the door the trio left after draco walked in to bring the scarf to Cassiopeia.
"Get well soon cassi." Draco whispered to her
Draco's POV
I thought she's jealous when she said I'm in love with Ginny, but I was wrong, why I didn't check on her earlier so that mom helped her? Why I'm so worried about her?
"Madam Pomfrey I want to check something. I have this feeling of nausea, knots in the stomach, and something like I couldn't understand. I'm upset if something happened to her, I'm not happy when she's with Potter. Am I crazy?"
"I'm sure you're in love Malfoy."
"How do I know if I'm in love?"
"You feel a genuine rush or high when you think of them, can't get them out of your head, can't stop staring at them, don't mind when they do something unattractive, would do anything to make them smile--"
"Okay okay I get it." I leave thinking am I really in love with Cassiopeia?

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