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Neville, Harry, Ron and Seamus are walking through a courtyard with other students all around.
"It's Levioooosa, not Leviosaaaar." Ron is mimicking Hermione who is helping him too like how Cassiopeia helping draco earlier but Ron took it as offensive
"She's a nightmare, honestly. No wonder she hasn't got any friends!" Hermione rushes past Ron, hugging her books and sniffling in tears.
"I think she heard you." Harry whispered to Ron
"Where's Cassiopeia?"
"I don't know. Maybe she's in the common room?"
Professor Quirrell comes running into the Great Hall in panic.
"TROLL! IN THE DUNGEON! T-TROOLLL IN THE DUNGEON!!" Dumbledore rises from his seat in concern. Everyone look at Quirrell and he stops and there is utter silence.
"Thought you ought to know." He passes out. The room is silent, and then everyone freaks out, screaming and running.
"SILLLLLEEENNNNCEEEEE!" Everyone stops and calms down.
"Everyone will please, not panic. Now, Prefects will lead their houses back to the dormitories. Teachers will follow me to the dungeons." While everyone's heading to out they heard a scream of a girl in the corridor near girls bathroom professor Snape saw Cassiopeia is being picked up by the troll
"Draco! Look! It's cassi." Theodore pointed at the troll
"Cassi!!" He's about to run but Snape pushed him back
"Stay back Malfoy. Don't move a lot Lestrange, calm down."
"Calm down!! He's about to eat me alive!! Help!!!" She scream
"Oh no! Harry, it supposed to be me. But she saved me." Hermione grabbed Harry's arm
"Calm down Lestrange! Don't move too much I might hit you." The troll started to move
"Put me down!!!" Cassiopeia pointed her finger as a warning but it didn't listen to her
"Who brought the troll inside?" Mcgonagall asked
"We don't know except for quirrell." Filch said they're following the troll Cassiopeia is crying she's bruised and wounded after hitting some of the wall and trees
"HELP MEEEEEEE!!!!" she's crying Snape manage to kill the troll Cassiopeia got dropped but dumbledore used a spell to slow down her fall, draco run towards her she's crying uncontrollably
"Cassi?" Rabastan, corvus, Vega and Avela came to visit her but she hugged rabastan and Avela she's crying
"I'm scared."
"Ssshh you're safe now, don't worry were here now." Avela caress her head
"Draco thank you for informing us about cassi, we appreciate it." Avela said Draco nodded before leaving.
After 1 week of recovery Cassiopeia got back to her feet again but she's too cautious around her
"Hey Cass. Don't worry I'm here." Harry hold her hand she smiles at him
"Thanks. Hermione you good?"
"Yes thank you, if it weren't for you I might be the one who got hurt. Thank you for saving me."
"Welcome." Cassiopeia said
"50 points will be awarded to slytherin for saving a Gryffindor like Hermione granger." Mcgonagall said Cassiopeia smile genuinely
At Astronomy class
"Group yourself into 6." Sinistra said
"Come on Cass." Draco pulled her along with Blaise, Theodore, Goyle, and Crabbe
"Do you realized I'm the only girl?"
"So? What's the point? We're bestfriends and you're gonna team with me." Draco said
"Okay since you are already teamed up, choose 3 constellation for your essay, who don't cooperate wouldn't be in the team list." Sinistra announced Cassiopeia raised her hand
"We picked Lyra, Draco and Cassiopeia as our constellation."
"Woah that was fast cassi." Hermione said
"Okay Team?"
"Team Elite."
"Okay team Elite choose Lyra, Draco and Cassiopeia for their time." Hermione raised her hand
"Team Golden professional, our is Ursua minor, Ursua major and Sirius." Hermione said
"Good luck." Draco sneered using a psych against Hermione knowing that what she picked is not easy.
It took them 2 hours to complete the sketch and essay.
"Crabbe, Goyle you two are slacking."
"Yeah get out you two." Draco pushed Goyle and Crabbe the two of them did their own with but they pass it late.

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