1 // Principal's office

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Tommy walked to school with a glum expression. He blew his blonde hair from his bruised face. The crisp breeze sent shivers down his spine through his worn down clothing; causing his scowl to deepen. After what felt like an eternity, he arrived at the familiar school gates, and was greeted by his best and only friend in the whole world: Tubbo.

"Tubbo!" Tommy raised his hand, and began their extensive handshake.

"Tommy! How are you?" Tubbo excitedly greeted his best friend, deciding not to mention the sour look on his face.

"The usual," Tommy shrugged, and finished the handshake.

"So... not good?" Tubbo questioned, receiving a slap on the arm, and a glare from Tommy. "Ow! What was that for!? Never mind - class is about to start, and I don't want to be late."

Tommy sighed. He and Tubbo couldn't be more unlike. While Tubbo was an ideal student, (never any late homework, always on time, caring towards other students, and not once had he ever raised his voice at school) Tommy was a terrible student (everyone at school knew who he was - the 'troubled kid', he never did any homework, and teachers were surprised if he stayed in the lesson for more than 20 minutes before throwing his desk over and running off in what they called a 'tantrum'). No one really knew why they were even friends to begin with - they seemed so different.

The two boys continued their meaningless conversation they seemed to have every morning as they walked through the corridors of the school, making their way over to their lockers.

"Tommy, come to my office," The principal's words were harsh. "NOW!" He added the last part when he saw that Tommy wasn't moving. In response, Tommy just laughed, stuck his tongue out and started walking away as if he hadn't just been shouted at by the principal. Mr Ranboo (the head teacher) simply shook his head and grabbed Tommy's wrist, forcefully dragging him into the office the small boy was so familiar with. After years of detentions and trouble, he had grown quite accustomed to the large room. Scowling, Tommy took a seat and rested his feet on Mr Ranboo's desk.

"Feet Tommy! Please can you just behave for once!?" Ranboo pinched the bridge of his nose, when he realised that tommy wasn't going to move his feet. He took a shaky breath before continuing. "Tommy... your behaviour seems to be getting worse. Your old therapist predicted you would be getting better, but you aren't making any progress. Tommy... TOMMY!!" Ranboo raised his voice when he realised Tommy wasn't listening. "Please Tommy - we are only trying to help, so I would really appreciate it if you would just cooperate."

Tommy just sat there, raising one eyebrow, with an unimpressed look on his face."What the fuck do you want!? I mean you just drag m-"

"LANGUAGE!!" Interrupted a tall brunette. He stood in the door way, with his arms folded. He seemed to be wearing all black with a couple of red parts here and there. Tommy just stared at him... he couldn't remember the last time he was interrupted at school, and he didn't like it.

"DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO! " Tommy screeched at boy who seemed unfazed at Tommy's response; almost as if he had been expecting it. Tommy clenched his fists.

Only now did he realise there was another person in the doorway standing behind the brunette. He had flowing blond hair, with a green and white striped hat sitting upon his head. Just like the boy to his side, he seemed unbothered by Tommy's screeching - maybe even enjoying it! Tommy felt anger building up inside of him; how dare they interrupt him, and ignore him like they had been expecting his reactions. What gave them the right to just barge in here and tell him what to do? He squeezed his fists harder - his knuckles]going white.

"Tommy that's enough! Seriously." Ranboo snapped Tommy out of his thoughts and continued "As I was saying, you only seem to be getting worse - this situation as proof. Now, I've talked to the schools directors and in all honesty we are considering expulsion."

"Good - I can finally be rid of this shitty school." Tommy heard a faint 'language' come from the brunette once again. There they went disrespecting him and telling him what to do once more. Twice in one day. Tommy tried to shoot the duo a death glare, but when he made eye contact he realised the blonde was already giving him one. How were they always two steps ahead!?

"But, as Phil here kindly helped us realise, expulsion would only make your behaviour worse for the next school," Ranboo gave the blond a quick smile (which caused the blonde to stop glaring at Tommy and return the gesture) "So we decided to get you a behavioural tutor, and a new therapist."

"WHAT - NO! THERE IS NO WAY IM AGREEING TO YOUR STUPID IDEA. I DON'T NEED SOME IDIOTIC BABYSITTERS FOLLOWING ME AROUND" Tommy jumped up from the chair and threw it to the ground in a fit of fury.

"Actually, you don't get a say in the matter. Let me introduce to to Philza and Bad," Ranboo paused to chuckle slightly, "Bad - rather ironic isn't it! Bad will be helping your... verbal swearing problem and mental health while Phil will help with your overall attitude and physical behaviour. It will be quite interesting to see how they work together; we've never had a case before where we have needed both working along side one another. Phil and Bad are senior students, but rest assured they both have the correct qualifications. Bad will have a session with you every day after lunch starting today, while Phil will help you around the school and be your... I believe you used the term babysitter?"

At this, Phil and Ranboo let out a small laugh each, while Bad turned away slightly to conceal his smile from the fuming boy.

"THIS IS STUPID! ARGH!" Tommy pushed everything off Principal Ranboo's desk before running out of the office and down the halls. They were now empty as class had started a couple minutes ago.

He felt the familiar twitching sensation at the edge of his eyes warning him tears were about to fall. Why did this always happen to him? He took a gulp and carefully brushed away his tears with a shaky fist. He was still clenching his fist. Tommy let out an annoyed scream before ramming it into the closest locker. This was probably disturbing nearby classes, but it's not like Tommy cared about that anyway.

Tommy looked at the locker. This was something he could control; he could move it, shape it, dent it and okay with it in any way he pleased, and that's exactly what he did. He only paused to wipe away one rogue tear slowly spilling down his face.

Phil sighed, before speaking. "Well I suppose this is where my job starts! Bye Bad, bye Principal Ranboo." With that, Phil raced out of the office and followed the loud banging that could be heard all the way down the hallway.

Once he reached the culprit of the noise, Tommy's hands were covered in pink, red and orange bruises from punching a nearby locker. It looked very dented and had scrapes all over it from Tommy's clenched fists mercilessly pounding it for what - less than 2 minutes? Phil sighed. So he was one of these kids. In one swift movement, he had grabbed both of Tommy's hands and held them in front of his chest with only one of his own.

"Tommy what do you think you're doing!? You're going to injure yourself if you keep going like that." Phil's efforts to calm down the small boy only made him wriggle and squirm in his grasp more.

"I don't care let me go! I CAN DO WHAT I WANT!" Tommy started screeching in Phil's face, but he seemed unfazed by it.

"Tommy - I'm warning you." Phil's voice was calm and he seemed unbothered by the screaming Brit, as if it were the most normal thing in the world to be restraining a yelling, kicking 14 year old.

"NO! LET ME GO OR WE'RE GOING TO HAVE PROBLEMS!" This comment seemed to make Phil chuckle slightly, before raising an eye brow at Tommy, to remind him who was in charge here.

"Let's get you to class." With that, Phil let go of one of Tommy's wrists, while firmly gripping the other in one hand as he lead him to Tommy's first class: Geometry.

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