27 // Realisation

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So, as per the special request from @AdeWha_, here is your extra-special, super long chapter!
The final word count was 3,000 exactly
I hope you all enjoy, because RIP my fingers for typing all that out!
I completely differed from the plan (especially with Phil)
But I've managed to get back on track with my original idea-
Please enjoy - I put more effort into this than my homework :>
(It's a low bar, but still)


Please. Please just breathe. Tommy knew he was being watched. He didn't want to have a melt down in front of Phil. Just breathe. What was that method Technoblade used? Or was it Bad? He couldn't remember who it was, all he knew was that he had to calm down.

Five things he could see. That seemed simple enough. What could he see, what could he see? His vision was mostly blurred, so Tommy decided to focus his breathing into regular intervals. There. Now his vision was clearer, he could make out his surroundings.

Well, Tommy could see the school lockers. They were from floor to ceiling, two stacked on top of each other, painted a deep blue. That's the first thing, he was a fifth of the way there!

Next, Tommy looked to the ground to see his worn down trainers. They were dirty and covered in mud, but they were there. He could see them.

At this point, his vision was stronger and could focus on more details. Tommy looked to the right to see a display board. It had all sorts of different posters and advertisements; the closest one being an invitation to join the school chess club.

Tommy could see Phil's face a few metres in front of his own. That's who was watching him. Tommy couldn't believe this method was actually working; this was the first time he'd stopped a panic attack on his own.

Only one more thing to spot. Tommy looked down at himself to see some sort of harness around him. He did it! That was five! He'd finally calmed down from the panic attack!

Wait what-

Tommy stared at the harness in disbelief, before staring back up at Phil. It crossed his body in an x shape. Usually it could just take a simple pull of the velcro, but this one had been hole punched, with a small lock keeping it in place as well. What. The. Fuck.


"Not going to happen. Now calm down and let's get you to... maths. I've already warned the teachers about this, so don't expect any sympathy from them. You've brought this upon yourself."

Tommy started squirming around in the harness. How was he expected to focus in lessons with this... cage around him?

"Please Phil! I promise I'll be good, just let me go!" His voice cracked at the end of that sentence, but he didn't care. Tommy just wanted this leash off.

"No. Maybe if you show me that you can behave, we can have this conversation later. Right now, we're going to maths."

Unshed tears started forming in the corners of his eyes, threatening to fall. Not this time. Tommy was not going to be a weak little kid this time. He was going to fight back.

He shuffled his foot back on the ground, getting a good grip. His jaw was clenched, hands in fists by his side.

There was a split second hesitation. Was he sure he wanted to do this? Yes.

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