38 // BANG

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George launched himself at Phil - bringing a bag of throwing stars out of nowhere. Techno tried to run towards them, but Sapnap blocked his path with a razor-sharp blade that he had no choice but to roll away from before it penetrated his skull. Phil tried to run to safely, but his path was blocked by a throwing star missing his face by centimetres.

"Ah ah ah. We're just getting started." It sent a shiver down Phil's spine to hear such an innocent looking person say such threatening things. Phil ran the other way, but was met with the same fate. "Stop running away! It would be a lot less painful if you were to just co-operate."

George started taking steps forward; effectively cornering Phil. He threw another star and-

Phil ducked under the blade. Before George even had time to react, he was running towards Techno's bag. There had to be something useful in there that he could use. Phil wasted no time in dumping the entire contents onto the pavement and began rummaging around in the mess.

"Check the front pocket!" Techno yelled before rolling to one side to avoid yet another strike from Sapnap. He was just getting up when he had to leap into the air to avoid the rather intrusive blade being slashed at his feet. "Dude! Would you stop that for a second!?"

Sapnap threw one of his knives directly at Techno's head. Time seemed to slow down. It came closer... and closer... and closer... and closer...For one terrible second, it looked like it was going to hit him, but Techno caught it at the last second.

"Now that wasn't very smart of you, was it?" Sapnap growled, but Techno only chuckled. "What are you going to do now, huh?"

"I still have one knife."

"Yeah? Well I have two," Sapnap looked like he was about to protest, but Techno spoke before he could even be interrupted, "and last time I checked, I haven't even thrown a hit yet."

There was silence for a second (almost as if Sapnap was replaying the whole fight scene in his head). Had he... no! Techno hadn't. Suddenly the confident man took a few steps back.

"Where you going? Scared?" Now it was Technoblade who was taking the steps forward. "Now look a the predicament you've gotten yourself into now. You were too cocky, Snapchat, and you've grown sloppy." Sapnap clenched his fists. "Ah ah ah - remember who has the knives here." Sapnap looked right into Techno's eyes.

"You're a monster!"

"No. You're the monsters. You think I enjoy this!? I hoped I'd never have to see you again!"

"I thought we were-"

"What!? You thought we were friends!? I could never be friends with a murderer."

"Last time I checked, you're a murderer too." Techno stayed silent. "You've killed a lot more than I have... successfully at least. If you're so 'good' and 'kind' now, why do you have so many people's blood on yo- AAAAAA"

Techno threw Sapnap's own dagger at his leg. "Dude... I just told you that I had the knifes. Don't antagonise me." He then turned to see what Phil was facing against George.


After Techno had told him about the front pocket, Phil dived into the open compartment searching for anything that could be of use. After what felt like an unsettling amount of time, he pulled out a box of darts. Not the weapon he was expecting, but it would do. It seemed he found them just in time, too, because in less than a second George had thrown a star right at the backpack, narrowly missing Phil's arm.

"Oh - so you have a weapon too now? Finally: something interesting!"

Phil ducked as a throwing star whirled past his face. He was quick to throw a dart back at George, who dodged it with ease. George then threw three at once; causing Phil to duck behind the bin one again. He was alarmed to hear the three 'pings' of metal hitting metal.

The senior took a deep breath, before leaping out from behind the bin (darts at the ready) to discover... nothing. George had just... vanished? That couldn't be right. Phil kept his guard up and slowly walked completely clear of the hiding place.

"Where are you?"

Nothing. He slowly walked around the street they were just fighting in to find nothing. There was nothing there. Phil would have started questioning if he'd just imagined the whole thing if it weren't for the scuff marks and collection of throwing stars scattered around the scene.

Phil sighed and dropped his guard, putting the darts down. That's when George reappeared right behind him.

"PHIL!" It was too late. None of Techno's calls made it to Phil before George had him in a headlock.

"Give up Techno."

Time stopped; it was as if everything was moving in slow motion. Technoblade ran towards George and Phil - just as it looked like he was about to punch George, he changed direction and stuck his leg out; successfully bringing George to the ground. Techno ran to Phil and lifted him up from the pavement.

"You good?"

"Yeah mate. Let's go."

Just as they were about to leave, George jumped up and grabbed onto Technoblade's arm. Seriously!? This guy was relentless! Techno swung around and ripped his limb from George's grasp. "You just don't know when to give up, do you?"

"No: you don't know when to give up. NOW SAPNAP!"

Techno flipped around to see Sapnap staggering forward from where he had left him on the ground. There was a deep gauge where the blade had been shoved into his right leg. Techno brought out his sword - ready to fight - but Sapnap let out a low, menacing chuckle.

"Didn't anyone ever tell you not to bring a sword to a gun fight?"

A small, black pistol was brought into view, before everyone's ears were filled with one sound:


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