31 // Space

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This chapter just switches POV a lot, just tying up loose ends, and preparing for the next chapter where things get interesting. It's going to be good! So I apologise for the boring chapter, but better stuff is coming.


The first thing Tommy noticed was the blindingly painful headache. The boy groggily opened his eyes. Huh? Where was he? What happened. It was only when he comprehended the smashed bottles of alcohol and blood-stained patch of carpet around him, that he realised what had just happened.

He weakly put a hand to his head, horrified to find it covered in blood. His surprise caused him to jolt up in shock, but Tommy quickly regretted that once a wave of dizziness overcame his body. He hastily clutched the nearby bed-post in order to steady himself.

It took the blonde about 10 minutes to make his way down the stairs, and another 30 minutes to round up all of the appropriate medical supplies. His head was spinning, but Tommy knew if he didn't act now, it would only be worse for him in the future.

With shaky hands, he began to dress his wounds. It took him about ten minutes more than it normally would, but that was fine as long as the job was done. The blonde began the hazy journey back to his room, but only made it about ten steps before he had to sit down. He waited for about a minute, took another five steps and collapsed onto the foot. This was going to be a long night.


Phil was worried. Tommy just ran out of the room. Techno tried to run after him, but Phil had stopped him. Tommy wanted space, right? Last time this happened, Phil followed but only made things worse, so he did the right thing by stopping Techno, right? At this point, Phil was bringing to question that decision. Did he do the right thing? Tommy hadn't returned for any of his afternoon lessons, so the group had eventually come to the conclusion that he just have gone home.

Phil decided that there was no use sulking over it, but it was quite hard to keep that mindset when there was Techno scowling at him for every second of the day. Had he done the right, thing? Wow he was really asking that question a lot, but it was just that Phil didn't want Techno to make the same mistake he did, but then again, Tommy and Techno were close like that. Maybe he should have let him go to Tommy.

All these thoughts were swarming around his brain. It took Principal Ranboo to call his name three times to get Phil out of the trance.

"-IL! PHIL ARE YOU THEREEEEEE?" The headteacher was dramatically waving a hand in front of the Senior's face; in a comedic manner.

"Yeah, I am. Just..." Phil sighed, "if Tommy doesn't turn up to school tomorrow, I'm going after him."

Ranboo looked Phil deep in the eyes. It was almost unnatural for the principal to act this serious. "That's exactly what Technoblade said. Actually, I was going to ask you to accompany him - you know, make sure he doesn't do something irrational. You and I both know he's grown attached to the blonde."

"It's Tommy."

Ranboo dismissively waved and continued with what seemed like a prepared speech. "Make sure he doesn't do something foolish. Something he's going to regret later."

Phi sighed. "We both know I couldn't stop him even if I wanted to... but I'm going regardless. I've really been rude to Tommy, so I want to make sure he's okay. I couldn't live with myself if something has happened to him."

Ranboo looked as though he was about to say something, but Phil was already walking away. How had he lost control of the entire school... actually, it was everyone who'd had contact with the blonde. Huh... Ranboo would remember that.


Techno was furious - absolutely furious - with Phil. He had already warned Ranboo that if Tommy wasn't in school tomorrow, he was going after him, but it still didn't feel like enough.

He was currently sitting next to Wilbur in political studies. They were both taking the class; both boys heavily interested in that sort of thing. Wilbur nudged him every now and then, just to make sure he was still awake. Techno always caught his elbow before it hit him - their way of showing each other that he was awake. The day Techno missed Wilbur's elbow would be the day the world ends.

Technoblade was itching to speak to Tommy. Not to question him like the others, but to reassure him. His foot was impatiently thumping the floor while his hand was repeatedly tapping the desk. He was watching the clock tick painfully slowly. 'Hurry up!' was all that was on his mind.

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