6 // The Fight

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The frosty morning air showed no mercy to Tommy, as he walked to school using his usual route. His limp had definitely worsened last night, and Tommy decided that he would have to get in a fight, so he could see the school nurse.

Tommy never liked fighting, but it was a necessary step in order to seek medical attention. He couldn't just turn up at the nurse's office with cuts, and scrapes, bruised all over, with no explanation. When he got into fights, people just assumed his injuries were a result of his reckless behaviour, and didn't question his injuries, such as the painfully obvious limp he had today.

When he rounded the last corner of the journey, Tommy ran forward as an attempt to hide the limp. Yes, it was painful, but he had to conceal it until he found someone to fight.

There! Leaning against the brick walls of the school, stood a rather bored looking Techno. He seemed to be talking to a boy with long, brown hair and wire glasses. They looked about the same age, and seemed to be deep in conversation.

Tommy took a few deep breaths, as an attempt to calm himself, before running up to them.

"Hey Pinkie!" Techno immediately scowled, and turned to face the younger, he shot his friend a side glance, before closely analysing the small boy.

The first thing Techno noticed, was that Tommy wasn't wearing a coat, and seemed to be shaking slightly. He was wearing the same clothes as yesterday, just without the jumper. This kid had to be insane, thought Techno, to be out in early January with no warm clothing on.

"What do you want?" Techno raised an eye brow, and stared into Tommy's eyes, sending daggers into them.

Tommy took a beep breath; here goes nothing. "Y- you're an idiot... a-and you smell funny... and you h-have a terrible fashion sense."

Tommy couldn't tell if he was stuttering because of the cold, or because of fear, but he hated it. He couldn't remember the last time he had stuttered in school. Tommy was a Big Man! He showed no fear, therefore it had to have been the cold. Not the way Techno was now hovering over him, with fists clenched, biting the inside of his cheek, and looking down at Tommy in a way far more intimidating than Tommy could have imagined a person with pink hair to be.

"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK DUDE! YOU MUST BE CRAZY TO INSULT TECHNO LIKE THAT!" Techno's friend pushed Tommy backwards, and was now standing in between the two males.

"Why is it such a big deal? The man has pink hair, for crying out loud. HE LOOKS LIKE A TODDLER!" Secretly, Tommy thought the pink hair was pretty cool, but he was not about to admit that. He just had to start this stupid fight so he could go to the nurse.

"Don't you DARE insult Techno's hair." The friend was now towering over Tommy, like Techno was doing a moment before.

"Or what, four eyes?"

Okay - in retrospect Tommy would admit, that that was definitely too far. The man was clearly going to fight him from the start, but now he was just making him angry. Tommy knew from experience, the angrier people were, the more their fists would hurt, and this man was definitely angry.

"Wilbur don't-" Techno tried to intervene, but it was too late.

Wilbur punched Tommy hard in the nose, causing a small trail of blood to flow down his face. Tommy punched Wilbur right back, hitting him dead in the stomach. Tommy knew it wasn't a very strong punch, but it was enough to make the brunette hunch over his stomach, and give Tommy a few seconds to breath, and formulate a plan.

It lasted about two seconds. Wilbur rammed Tommy into the wall he and Techno were leaning against just moments prior, causing Tommy to yell out in pain. Tommy kicked Wilbur's shin, but it really didn't do much.

"Wilbur seriously, enough-"

"Yeah, four eyes. WhY don'T yOu sToP?" Tommy mimicked Techno's monotone voice.

"You little..." Wilbur interrupted himself by throwing a large punch towards Tommy's face. At the last second, Tommy ducked under the fist, allowing it to go pelting into the hard brick wall behind him.

Yeah... that was going to leave a mark.

Wilbur yelled out in agony, causing Techno to rush in, and shove Tommy to the ground, out of the way. He carefully held Wilbur's wrist with a firm, yet gentle grip and examine the damage.

His knuckles were bleeding, but Techno was sure the real injury was beneath the skin. It looked like a broken bone.

Not even Techno had ever gone as far as to break a bone, but Tommy just had. Well... Technically Tommy had just dodged the punch, but it seemed Tommy had taunted Wilbur into making it, and he didn't resist at all when shoved against the wall. Did he plan that move?

How had Tommy known what Wilbur was planning to do? Even Techno was surprised when he threw that final punch, but Tommy seemed to be expecting it. Tommy had indirectly broken Wilbur's arm, while he had come off with little more than a scratch. Well - a bloody nose - but still.

The three boys just stood there in silence. Techno thinking about how Tommy had completely won that fight, without even trying, Wilbur lost in thought about revenge, and Tommy... Tommy was pleased it was finally over, and that he had a reasonable excuse to see the nurse.

'Wilbur', as Techno had called him, was very predictable in a fight. He may have looked big and tough, and his punches definitely stung, but he was gullible and easy to fool.

Tommy smirked at his victory. He may have hated fighting, but he sure was good at it. Tommy didn't need the strength and force of some of the older boys, he just had to outsmart them.

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