42 // Overestimating Tables

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Hello, I'm back! I know it's been a while. I don't usually talk about this kinda stuff, but I was diagnosed with cancer, so that's kinda the reason I've not been writing. I'm back now though! I probably won't have a very reliable upload schedule but I've decided to keep going with the story.

I'm sure by now we've all heard the news about Techno. It's definitely a shock to a lot of the fandom and I know we're all going to miss him. Due to this, I did consider deleting the fan fiction, but I think the phrase "Technoblade never dies" really resonates in his legacy, so I have decided to continue with the story. I know it's a really sensitive topic, so if people are uncomfortable with it, I will take it down.

So, yeah! I'm back and I'm going to continue writing. Please don't expect reliable updates, but I'll try my best to update once or twice a week for now. We're almost at the end of the story, and I'll be open to requests for the next story idea, as well as continuing with my other ones. If you have any ideas, theories or requests, please don't hesitate to message me :)


Tommy ran into the building in the exact direction he had assumed that Techno had run off to. Why were there so many corridors in a hospital? Surely if a person was in dire need of healthcare, there should be an easy route for them to take, but no! Everything was so confusing! Wait - no. Tommy skidded to a halt and turned around to find a door with the words "Reception" clearly printed onto an adjacent sign.

The blonde rapidly sprinted through the door to be met with a very confusing sight. The room was completely trashed: folders, medical equipment, books and pretty much everything that wasn't screwed down had been thrown across the room. Things were scattered everywhere. To the left of the room, there was a small huddle of patients and staff; no more than twelve people. However, that wasn't what made Tommy's mouth hang wide open with shock - no. What had surprised him so much, was the two people in the centre of the room.

Technoblade and Dream were switching between circling one another, to fist fighting, to sword fighting and back to circling one another once one of them had successfully landed a hit. For a few moments, Tommy was frozen in place - eyes wide in anticipation and awe.

"Tommy, what the fuck are you doing here!?" The blonde was snapped out of his trance after hearing Techno shout his name.

"What do you think!? I'm trying to help you!" Tommy sprinted towards Techno, only to be stopped by a knife sent hurtling towards his face; the boy only just dodged it. "HEY!"

"Don't! You'll only get yourself injured." As if to prove his point, Techno threw another knife at Dream, who again, dodged it without a second thought.

After ducking under a nearby table, Tommy yelled out, "You can't tell me what to do!" However, the noise was drowned out by the sound of metal smashing metal - Techno's sword against Dream's axe. "Fine! If you won't let me help you, then at least let me help these people!"

Tommy didn't even wait for a reply as he dashed towards the cluster of people huddled into the corner. However, most of them cowered back when he approached the group, which only made Tommy skid to a halt and groan. "Stop being such wimps! I'm trying to save you idiots so hurry up and follow me before I change my mind!"

"H-how can we trust you?" A fairly tall, blonde nurse politely nudged her way to the front of the group.

"Are you seriously asking me this right now!? I'm a fourteen year old kid literally armed with nothing in some worn-down, ragged clothing trying to save you guys. Stop being such idiots and just follow me... that is unless you prefer your chances being stuck here in the middle of a terrorist attack-"

"TERRORIST ATTACK!?" Some middle-aged man in a hospital gown leapt up from the floor and waved his arms around in the air.

"ARE YOU STUPID!?" Tommy quickly tried to correct his behavior by taking a deep breath and clenching his jaw slightly. "Look: in case you idiots haven't realised, we are kinda in the middle of a LITERAL FIGHT!  Now, unless you want to die here, I suggest you follow me."

The group looked rather taken back by Tommy's outburst, but followed him nevertheless - at least, they tried. The group didn't get very far before Tommy turned around and started sprinting back towards the fight. "TECHNO!" Sure enough, Technoblade was being pinned to the ground with Dream's axe at his throat.

"HELP!" Tommy's head snapped the other way to see the nurse from earlier screaming in terror as some muscular guy holding a knife came strolling towards them (blocking their only exit). Wait - was that Sapnap?!

"Any last words?" Tommy turned around again to see Techno pinning Dream to the ground. What!? How did he- Never mind that! Tommy ran towards the group. The blonde made his way over to a nearby table, flipping it on it's side, and jamming it into the doorway in such a way that the whole opening was blocked.

"Everybody, lean on this and don't let anyone in." A few people rolled their eyes, which did not mix well with Tommy's growing stress. "STOP ACTING LIKE SOME STUCK-UP KNOW-IT-ALLS AND FUCKING BLOCK THIS DOORWAY BEFORE WE ALL DIE!! THERE IS A LITERAL TERRORIST ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THIS TABLE SO IF YOU WANT TO LIVE JUST DO AS I SAY!!"

After a moment of silence, the group hesitantly did as the small child instructed them to. Tommy took a step towards them (with the intention of leaning on the table as well) when he got yanked back by the collar of his t-shirt.

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