36 // Phone Call

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Not my wifi going out for two days—
Sorry this is late, but if you think my wifi connection is unstable, you should see me irl

Okay I'm going in to stop embarrassing myself now: onwards!


Silence descended on them. No one knew how to react... how could they? Tommy just stood there - his face a white sheet of paper. His father... a leader of a gang? He had killed over seventy thousand people!?!? Suddenly everything hit him like a ton of bricks. Tommy's father had killed seven billion people! He wasn't just going out and getting drunk like Tommy had once assumed - no this was so much worse.

A feeling of... guilt flooded into Tommy's heart. Maybe if he had been better - maybe if he had been good enough - he could have distracted his father long enough to save all those lives. It was his fault.

Tommy didn't even realise that his breathing had picked up. He started shaking and dropped to the floor. Techno and Phil looked at each other for a second before slowly making their way over to him and rubbing circles on his back.

"Tommy can you look at me please?" It was Techno's monotone voice. The blonde slowly removed his tear stained face from his knees and stared into the piercing eyes of Technoblade.

"P- Pinkie?" His voice was horse and barely above a whisper, but Techno still managed to chuckle at what he said.

"That's right buddy. I'm going to need you to breathe for me," he paused for a second and seemed to have a silent battle in his head, "In any other time I'd stop and fully calm you down, but there's kind of an assassination about to happen and a bomb's going to go off, so uuuuuh... please don't hate me later but I'm going to have to go. Stay here."

Phil sent the duo a sympathetic look. The broken gleam in Tommy's eyes broke Techno. He felt torn; he really did want to help Tommy, but there were tens if not hundreds of thousands of lives on the line here. Techno knew how dangerous the Dreamers were and he couldn't just ignore something like this. He sent one last pitiful glance towards the broken boy on the floor before dashing out of the door - shortly followed by Phil.

Tommy just sat there. Everything came flooding in. He couldn't think - he couldn't breathe. They left him... and he deserved it. His sobs filled the empty house. Tommy had the blood of millions on his hands. He was the real villain.

No - the real villain would stand around doing nothing. Tommy wasn't just going to stand around and let this happen; he was going to do something. He shakily stumbled to his feat and hobbled his way to the front door. Bending down, he grabbed his shoes and rapidly shoved one onto each foot - he didn't care that they weren't even matching.

Tommy's vision slowly came back and the clouds of blur disappeared. He was Thomas Roberta Innit and he was going to stop. His. Father. (In retrospect he probably should have left his middle name out of that... yeah it totally ruined the mood).

He dashed through the door to discover...

Phil and Technoblade had vanished. They were gone. Where did they say that they were going? Greenview Hospital. One problem: Tommy had absolutely no idea where that was.


Phil and Techno were sprinting down the twisting lanes of the neighbourhood. Phil was shocked about how well Techno was able to navigate the winding roads so effortlessly. It seemed as though he knew them better than the back of his hand. The man was literally looking at his phone while doing it!

Techno's phone buzzed in his pocket. Normally he wouldn't have picked it up, but it was the custom alert that he and Wilbur had created together. Wilbur resented texting (apparently it was 'too modern' and that writing letters were 'by far the superior messaging system'). Technoblade rummaged around in his pocked for the device before bringing it up in front of his face; getting something out of your pocked while sprinting is a lot harder than it sounds, okay!

Before he even managed to click on their chat, Techno received an oncoming call from Wilbur. Wilbur was calling!?!? Okay this was serious. Whether it was more serious than a bomb going off was debatable, but Techno knew that whatever it was, it was definitely important.

"Hello? Wilbur why-"

"Techno, you got a package!"

"What are you? My mail man-"

"No! It came in this super cool fancy envelope with this green wax stamp and it was addressed to some The Blade - stupid name I know - but anyway it was in your locker and it contained this necklace? I don't know some sort of chain and a charm. It has co-ordinates or something on it. I looked them up and they're for Greenview Hospital I think-"

"So... they've tracked me down after these two years.... They're daring me to stop them."

"... you're the blade!?!? Hahhhhhhhhh!"

Techno would have sighed if he wasn't already painting from all the running. "Seriously! I get one dramatic moment and you've just had to go and ruin it!?" He stopped running and started yelling into the phone, "No - this is unacceptable! I don-"

"Uuuuh... Techno?" Phil gently tapped him on the shoulder. "The bomb...?"

"Right - yep, sorry-"

"WAIT WHAT!?"The phone wasn't even on speaker and Phil could hear Wilbur's shrieking, "THERE'S A BO-"

"Sorrycan'ttalknowtalktoyoulaterbyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" Techno hung up.

He dived into his rucksack and brought out a chipped mask that looked like the skull of a pig - knowing Technoblade it probably was.

"They want to play? Let's play."

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