12 // Lunchtime

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Tommy and Techno spent the rest of the morning in the library, discussing how amazing the Art of War is, and the best quotes. Techno couldn't believe that someone else found interest in such a long book. Techno was obsessed with the book and talked about it a lot, but this was the first time that anyone else has showed engagement in the conversation, much less enjoying it!

Tommy was happily talking to Techno, when the lunch bell sounded. He was in the middle of explaining something about knowing the enemy. Techno gently took the book and put it on a nearby shelf, before guiding Tommy out of the library. Tommy was so deep in conversation he didn't realise they were even moving.

"- and then their guard would be down. It's so genius!" Techno chuckled.

"Hey Tommy, we're here." They stopped just inside the cafeteria. "Let's get some food."

Tommy slowly shuffled forward in the queue. He felt incredibly uncomfortable. If truth be told, he hadn't eaten since Thursday; it was now Monday - noon. His hand unconsciously started shaking by his side, so Tommy dug his nails into his wrist to prevent his flapping, and gaining unwanted attention. If Techno noticed, he didn't say anything.

Techno didn't notice - he was too busy hungrily eyeing the menu, while licking his lips eagerly.

"Hey Tommy, I think I'm going to get the burger, what about you?"

"U-uh... yeah - same." Tommy hadn't even consulted the menu: it would only make him feel worse than he already. "I-I'm just going to go to the bathroom Techno."

"Okay! I'll get you food." Great. "And hey - you didn't call me Pinkie!" Techno affectionately ruffled Tommy's hair, but he immediately flinched away.

Tommy desperately hoped that he didn't notice. He rushed into the bathroom, clutching the basin for support. The world started spinning, and an overwhelming ring corrupted his hearing. Tommy dug his nails into his wrist, causing a small amount of blood to drip down his arm, staining the bathroom floor.

Tommy wanted to scream, but couldn't find his voice. It felt like he was drowning underwater. He gasped for air, clutching his throat when there was no air for him to breath. The dizziness became overwhelming, and he felt his head gravitate to the floor. Tommy didn't have the energy to get back up, so he sat huddled in a ball in the corner of the room, waiting for his panic attack to end.

He repeated what Phil had showed him. Just breath.

Hot, sticky tears rolled down his face, leaving strange purple streaks behind them. When Tommy stood up, he immediately realised that some concealer had rubbed off. He reached into his jean pocket, pulling out an old, mostly used up bottle. It didn't take him long to cover up the marks again. He had done it before, so it came like a second nature to him. He used it sparingly, and only on the worst injuries, so if one looked really closely they might notice a few bruises (like his black eye). Just noting compared to what it actually was.

He sighed, and slowly made his way back to the cafeteria. The last thing he wanted was food, but there didn't seem like any getting out of it without raising suspicions. Tommy's steps were uneven and small - a weak attempt to avoid the cafeteria.

He pushed the double doors open, and shuffled into a corner of the room, looking for the familiar pink-haired giant. Where was Technoblade? It didn't take him long to notice him (the man had pink hair - what did you expect). He sheepishly made his way to the edge of the table, and sat down, a few chairs away from the man.

"Tommy, there you are. I was beginning to get worried." Techno shuffled along the chairs, so that he could sit directly next to Tommy. "Here's your burger. It might be a little cold now, but it's still edible."

Techno placed a plate full of freshly made chips and a delicious looking burger in front of Tommy; who nodded a small thanks.

Tommy prodded at the chips a bit, before slowly taking a small bite out of the burger. His mouth instinctively gagged, making him want nothing less than to spit out the food currently trespassing in his mouth. He would have done so, too, if Techno hadn't been watching him so intently in that moment. What is this guy's problem, thought Tommy.


Techno assumed Tommy ate a few chips, before taking a small nibble of the burger. He watched as Tommy chewed his food, almost... reluctantly? No - that couldn't be right. Techno was just seeing things. This kid was way too young to be dealing with something like that.

Tommy took a few more mouthfuls, before getting up and disposing of the rest. He quickly ran to the bathroom, and spat out all the food he was holding in his mouth. Tommy only swallowed the first mouthful. He just couldn't bring himself to stomach the rest. That didn't stop him feeling guilty about the small amount he had eaten though.

Tommy was so lost in thought, he didn't notice Techno coming up behind him.

"Wacha up to there Tom?"

"Don't call me that." Tommy dug his nails into his wrist to stop him shaking. Techno didn't mean it - he was just being nice. How could he know that Tom was what his dad called him. No matter how many times Tommy repeated that in his mind, his brain just wouldn't believe it.

"Sorry, Tommy. I just thought-"

"NO!" Even Tommy was taken back by the volume of his voice. "Sorry - I just... Call me Tommy."

All Techno could do was nod. They left the bathroom and headed back to the library, with a mutual agreement not to go to class.

It was strange to Tommy that he had gone from hating to loving the library in just one day, but right now, it felt like his happy place.

They sat back down on the sofa, and continued their conversation from earlier about the Art of War. About half way through, Techno zoned out.

There were currently three things on his mind right then:
1. Tommy didn't eat very much at lunch, but he just assumed it was because the school food sucked.
2. The way Tommy snapped at the name Tom. He made a mental note of that.
3. How was Tommy (the kid famous for failing every class) able to read and understand in depth such an advanced book, like the Art of War.

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