35 // Intruders

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It's all coming together nicely! (Note the sarcasm) Enjoy~


Tommy stared in disbelief at the papers. A bomb. His father had plans to build a fucking bomb. What!?!? His heart rate increased and he felt a wave of nausea wash over him. No - this wasn't a panic attack - this was an adrenaline rush. This... bomb... thing would have the capability to kill thousands if built. Why- no. That didn't matter right now. Tommy could think about why his father had this later.

His eyes drifted over the eight pieces of paper displayed in front of him. They all had the same location written at the bottom along with a date and time... the same date and time. Wait... why did they have a tick in the top right corner!? Tommy looked closer and realised just above the tick was the word "COMPLETED:". Oh fuck.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. No one ever knocked on their door. Tommy shakily got to his feet and walked over to the thin piece of wood, opening it just enough for his small face to peep around and take a look at the intruders.

... Technoblade? Phil? Tommy yanked open the door so hard he was surprised that it hadn't broken and flung himself into Techno's arms. Words could not describe how relieved he was to see them.

"Oh my god Tommy you had me so worried! Are you okay? What happened? Who's your da-"

Tommy tensed. "He has a bomb. Take me to Greenview Hospital."

Phil spluttered a muddle of incoherent words while Techno barged into the open doorway and into the kitchen where he had assumed Tommy had come from. The floor was scattered with blueprints of... A BOMB!? What!? Techno grabbed the closest one and skimmed over it; his eyes landing on the smiley face at the top of the page.

"Tommy - whose are these?"

"They could only have been my father's-"

That was it. That was all Techno needed to hear. He drowned everything else out. His suspicions had been confirmed. Tommy's dad was somehow related to the Dreamers. Fuck.

"Tommy," Techno's voice wobbled slightly - something he never did, "who is your dad?"

"I- I don't know."

Phil sent Tommy a concerned look... little did he know this was the least concerning thing of the whole situation, "You don't know your own Dad's name?"

"No. He just told me to address him as..."

"Dream." Tommy and Techno spoke in unison.

The Phil and Tommy turned around to face Technoblade who was holding a knife. It was a small one (designed for throwing) and had an intricate carving of a smiley face on the handle.

"You're father is Dream. This is one of his signature knifes." Techno visibly shook and his face drained of all colour. "The fucking leader of the Dreamers! The most famous and feared criminal gang the world has very seen. Tommy - he's murdered over seventy thousand people."

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