9 // Intercom

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Tommy ran out of the bathroom, head down. The last thing he wanted was to make eye contact with someone - he just needed to be alone. Phil was taking advantage of him, Wilbur hated him, Ranboo is sick of him ruining the school, Techno finds him annoying, and Tubbo - shit.

Tommy had completely forgotten about Tubbo with all of the Phil drama. He had to see him before he left, because Tommy knew he would be taking at least the next few days off as well. Where could he find Tubbo at this hour? Tommy didn't know Tubbo's timetable, but knew he would be heading to his next class. How was he going to find Tubbo without Phil, Wilbur, Techno, Bad or Ranboo finding him? A large beeb interrupted his thoughts.

"Hello DSMP Highschool! Just a reminder that book club is starting this lunch, so you're more than welcome to meet with us in the library at half one today! That's all, and stay hydrated."

The intercom - it was genius. Tommy immediately switched directions, and ran against the crowd. He was defiantly sticking out, so he had to hurry. Where was the intercom office located again? The first floor!

Tommy leapt onto the banister and slid down it, beating the crowd. A couple of people swore, and tried to trip him up, but Tommy easily jumped over their pathetic hands. Too easy.

Tommy pushed a couple more people out of the way before making it to the locked door. He hastily kicked the lock, smashing it into two, giving him access to the restricted room.

He now stood in-front of the control panel. Once he sent his message, everyone would know where he was, so Tommy estimated he would probably have about ten, maybe twenty seconds before he was caught. After a few deep breaths, Tommy pushed down the large red button, going live to the entire school. Okay, he had to admit, this was cool. He was a Big Man making an announcement to the whole school: so cool.

"Hello... Tubbo? It's me Tommy, and I- er... I know you don't like skipping class, but it's important. Just- that place, you know, where you scraped your knee? Meet me there, now!" Yeah, may not have sounded that cool, but it got the job done. "Please?"

Tommy heard a loud thump as Ranboo bashed open the door and gave Tommy the scariest look he'd ever seen. Well he's definitely in trouble, but he couldn't think about that right now. Tommy dodged past Principal Ranboo and ran towards the back of the school.

He ran to a dead end of a corridor, sat down, and leaned his head against the wall. Now all he could do was wait, and he didn't have to wait long.



"Tommy what is it? You know I don't like skipping class."

"But you're doing it now?"

"You seemed stressed on the intercom."

"Ha! So you do care about me!"

"You're just imagining it!" Tommy knew Tubbo was just joking, but it still hurt. Was he imagining it?

"I-um. Just warning you that I might not be in school tomorrow, or the day after. That's all. Sorry for bothering you." Tommy stood up and started walking away.

"Wait! Tommy stop. Why aren't you coming to school? Is there something going on? Should I go and get Phil-"

"NO! I mean, no thanks Tubs, I'm just a bit stressed, that's all. Besides, it's not like I've never skipped before."

"Yeah... but Toms, not with such short notice. I mean- who will I talk to?" Tubbo made a point. He had a very likeable personality, but Tommy was his only friend, and the only person he'd ever opened up to. To the rest of the school, Tubbo was the shy, slightly weird kid.

"I mean, Phil will probably want a new guinea pig to 'mentor'." Tubbo looked completely lost. "I'm sure you and Phil will love each other - just say 'Tommy's not in, so I'm lonely', then do your weird cute thing."

"Okay Tommy... stay safe.

"Bye Tubs." The boys did their extensive handshake, before parting ways. Tubbo looked reluctant, but knew he couldn't stop Tommy, no matter how hard he would try.

Tubbo knew he couldn't stop Tommy, but Phil could. So, the first thing he did, was run to Tommy's 'babysitter', as they had grown accustomed to calling him.

He found Phil deep in conversation with Principal Ranboo, probably about Tommy.

"- yeah and then we heard the intercom. Do you know his parent's number?"

"Yeah I- oh hello Tubbo, I didn't see you walk in!" Ranboo was the first to notice a rather distressed Tubbo enter his office.

"T-Tommy's gone. H- He said h-he wasn't coming back for a couple... couple days."

"WHAT!?" Phil jumped out of his seat. "Tubbo where he is he?"

"I- I don't know - but you have to stop him Phil."

"Right... bye Ranboo, I gotta go." With that, Phil raced out the door and along the school corridors.

"Okay... Tubbo why don't you come and sit down." Ranboo wouldn't admit this to anyone, but Tubbo was probably his favourite student. He was just so simple and such a good kid. "You seem a bit shaken up, I just need to make a quick phone call."


Tommy ran down the corridors and out of the school. He didn't look back, not once. Tubbo had probably sent Phil after him, he wouldn't let him leave so easily otherwise.

Tommy felt lonelier than ever. Phil was just using him, Wilbur and Techno definitely hated him, and Tubbo prioritised a stupid babysitter they'd just met, over five year relationship that he shared with the boy - had shared. They were over.

As Tommy entered the familiar rundown neighbourhood, he noticed a hole in his trainers. Great - his only pair of shoes ruined. Under closer inspection, he realised the sole was hanging loosely off of the other foot.

However, that was the least of his concerns when he came face to face with his angry father right outside his house.

"Well Toms, care to explain the hole in the floor, or better yet why I got a call from your headteacher? No?" Tommy stayed silent, paralysed in fear. "Well then, let's you and me have a little 'talk'. Get in."

With that, he yanked Tommy into the house (by the collar) and slammed the wonky front door closed.

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