46 // The end

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Tommy mumbled the word 'goodbye' under his breath. He tensed his body, preparing for the worst...

Tommy heard the deafening boom before he felt the pain.

Just as Technoblade finished his suspenseful countdown, the roaring sound erupted from Greenveiw Hospital; penetrating their eardrums. Tommy would have screamed; cried; hell he probably would have got onto the ground and begged for it to stop, if he wasn't crushed just moments after. The rubble, debris and dead bodies came tumbling down - crushing all three of them.

Killing them instantly.

Killing hundreds instantly.

Effecting the lives of thousands.


The end!

Sorry for such a short chapter, but I thought I should end the story with their deaths in their own chapter.

I just want to say thank you all so much for reading! You guys are so supportive, kind and above all just stupidly funny. You've made me laugh out loud at 2am on numerous occasions. Thank you so much for all the love and support you've all given me - it really means a lot!

If you have any suggestions on what I should do next, please do let me know! I'm going to be focusing on my other two books that I have going on right now, but I am nearing the end on both of them too, so please drop some suggestions on what I should write next! Until next time,

- Charlie

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