21 // Big Talk

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Tommy was minding his own business outside. He'd just finished up in the bathroom.

He sat on a bench, leaning his head back, enjoying the sunlight. Finally a moment of peace without anyone trying to tell him off, or bother him.

"TOMATHY INNIT!" Well that thought ended as quickly as it entered his brain. Carefully, he stood up, to be met with a fuming Head of Faculty. "You're coming with me young man, and you better have a good explanation." She griped hold of his wrist, not noticing the way Tommy flinched under her grasp. They walked - well Tommy was dragged - towards the nurse's office.

"For what...?" The blonde was feeling pissed about disturbed; he was not in the mood.

The teacher just scoffed, and muttered something under her breath. What had he done wrong now!?

Well - technically there were at least twelve different things Tommy could list off of the top of his head that would be considered 'wrong', so his confusion was centred around finding out which one, without giving away the fact that there were multiple events he was even considering. In the end, Tommy thought it was best to stay quiet...

As if! He was the loud kid - there was no way he was staying quiet. Tommy got what he wanted, when he wanted.

"Why the fuck are you dragging me, AGAINST MY WILL, to some stupid meet and greet, or whatever this is?" Tommy yanked his hand away from her grasp, stopping in his tracks and crossing his arms.

Unluckily for Tommy, they were already in front of the nurse's office, and upon hearing shouting, Principal Ranboo emerged from the waiting area.

"Ah! About time Tommy. Please come in," he gestured towards the waiting room. "Everyone's already in there waiting for you, come on in."

Sure enough, the room was filled with about ten middle aged teachers, all looking very exasperated. When the blonde entered, everyone looked up at him, staring him down. Tommy anxiously took a seat in the corner of the room.

"Start explaining."

"...what?" Tommy still had absolutely no idea what was going on, but (as if to answer all of his questions) Wilbur entered through the other door, looking like he'd being crying.

Well... to everyone else he looked like he'd been crying. Tommy could clearly see the way the red eyeshadow flaking off at the corner of his eyes. The so called 'tears' were just a little water poured down his cheeks.

"That's him!" Wilbur paused for dramatic emphasis, and took an exaggerated sniff, "he- he did this to meeeeeeeee" he made a loud sobbing noise. In different circumstances, Tommy would have keeled over laughing at such weak attempts. "I- I don't want to look at him! I can't! He caused me so much pain."

This was too much for Tommy, and he couldn't help but let out a small giggle... which was followed by a rather loud giggle... until Tommy was laughing at the top of his lungs!

Everyone in the room turned and stared at Tommy. They did not notice the obvious acting, or the subtle post-it note in Wilbur's hand, prompting him if he forgot the rehearsed speech. They thought Tommy was laughing at Wilbur's injuries.

This wasn't going to end well for Tommy.

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