39 // It's Been Fun

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The bullet flew through the air. There was no time to move, no time to run, no time to dodge. It was all everyone could do to just watch in dismay as the bullet came hurtling towards Technoblade's heart. This was it. The Blade himself only nodded and weakly smiled.

If he'd had time, he would have said goodbye. He would have said sorry to Tommy for not being there. Sorry to Wilbur for not being there - but then shout at him for framing Tommy. He would have chosen his final words to be something memorable. After all the life threatening situations he'd been in, Techno had picked out what he'd wanted to say - 'It's been fun' but no - the bullet came pelting towards him so fast, there was no time for reaction. A sad smile was as much of as a goodbye as he would get.

The bullet whizzed out of the barrel and down the street. 10 metres away. 9 metres away. 8 metres away. It was all happening in less than a second; if you blinked you'd miss it all. 7 metres away. 6 metres away. There was a faint cry from Phil, but no one heard it. No - they were all watching in anticipation as the bullet came flying forward.

5 metres away. 4 metres away. 3 metres away. Technoblade shut his eyes. This was it. 2 metres away. 1 metre away-

Tommy clenched his forefinger and thumb together - successfully catching the bullet mid air.

After a second of silence, Technoblade opened his eyes; confused on why he wasn't dead. What he saw shocked him. Tommy was stood about a metre in front of him - arm outstretched. Between his forefinger and thumb sat the small bullet that would have penetrated his heart and ended his life, if it wasn't for the blonde standing before him.

The child himself had wide eyes and was frozen in shock about what he'd just witnessed. After Phil and Techno had just disappeared, he scoured the surrounding area until he heard a loud cry - something about ducks? Tommy sprinted towards the source of the noise. He was running as fast as he could, but it just wasn't fast enough.

It took about two minutes for him to arrive at the scene; just in time to see Techno tackle some brunette to the ground, but then get cornered by a gun. Without thinking, he'd ran forward and grabbed the bullet. Now he was standing in the middle of who were most likely murderers frozen in shock about what had just happened. How!?

Finally, someone broke the silence. "Technoblade never dies!"

"So you're the famous 'Tommy' Dream won't shut up about. I mean, he said you were special, but this is something else. I can see why he was so adamant about making you his heir - not like there were any other children to choose from; they all died with your mother when Dream murdered them all."

Tommy's head snapped towards Sapnap. "Y- you know what happened to my mother?"

Sapnap smirked. "So Dream hasn't told you? Probably for the best - doubt that's the best way to introduce you to the world you're living in. You have no idea what you're in for. Being an heir of the biggest terrorise organisation in the world and all that."

"The fuck you mean heir to a terrorise organisation!?"

"I'd watch the language if I were you - I'm still the one with a gun." Sapnap's tone suddenly turned from playful to serious. "Hands up. I'm not afraid to shoot you or that betrayer over there." When Sapnap said 'betrayer' his voice was dripping with venom and hatred. "All of you: hands up right now!"

Phil immediately put his hands up, reluctantly followed by Techno, but Tommy stayed adamant. "Tommy what are you doing!?" Techno whisper-yelled, "just put you're hands up!"

Tommy only smiled. "I don't think I will." Sapnap just raised an eyebrow. "That gun only has enough space to load one bullet at a time and my bet is that Techno could hurt you very badly before you've even finished reloading."

Technoblade quickly joined Tommy smiling and dropped his arms back beside him. Phil did the same and ran towards Techno's backpack - still resting against the dumpster. He pulled out some rope and threw it towards Techno; who caught it without even turning his head.

"Put the gun down, Snapchat." He threw one piece of rope towards Tommy and signalled towards Sapnap since he was closer. The blonde just sent him a quizzical expression that seemed to read 'bold of you to assume I can tie knots'. Phil seemed to catch on first and politely took the rope from his hands and walked towards Sapnap himself.

"Hands behind your back - same for you Goggles." The pair reluctantly obeyed, but Tommy was confused. They were smiling. George seemed to understand Tommy's confusion.

"You're better than I thought you'd be. You're going to make a great leader one day."

"There is no way I'm going to join you - you're murderers!"

"Say what you want. With the right push, you'll have no choice. There's no escaping it Tommy."

Techno seemed to sense Tommy's discomfort, so after tying George up, he walked straight to the blonde and gave him a big hug. "It's okay. They're not getting you." Tommy clung onto Technoblade's shirt and sobbed into his chest. This was a lot to take in all in one go. "Ssshhhh." Techno affectionately rubbed his hair.

After Phil had tied Sapnap up as well - and dumped him right next to George - he called the police and gave a hurried explanation about the two criminals and the bomb; demanding the whole police force ASAP. They would have waited for them to arrive and explain the whole situation, but there wasn't time. They had a bomb to stop.

Techno wiped the tears away from Tommy's face before dragging the child behind him. They were going to Greenview Hospital. They were going to save people's lives and they were going to stop Dream.

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