50 // New Chapter

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Ok... so I will confess that this was finished a few days ago... but it's the last chapter and I'm sad to say goodbye to this book! But alas, I can't drag this out forever!

Ok... here it is...  the final chapter...


"Ok, court is now in order. I invite the opening statements from each party to be read out to the room." The judge began after banging his hammer a few times, though Tommy's mind had already wondered off. This was much a big moment in his life, so why was it boring as fuck? Tommy just shrugged it off and continued staring off into space.

At some point, Tommy was invited to the whiteness stand in order to recount the events leading up to what happened at Greenview hospital and some of his childhood experiences with Dream as his guardian. By the end of the questioning, he was in tears, but Tommy was glad he'd done it. The blonde sat back down next to Techno; who handed him a tissue and told him how proud he was.

It was only when his brother, Techno, was called to the whiteness stand that they broke their hug. In the past few months, Tommy had begged and begged to know what really happened that day and why they were still alive, but alas, Techno had refused to tell Tommy until the court case. Something about dramatic suspense and a big reveal?

"Ok, uuuuh hi," Tommy was brought out of his trance by hi brother's awkwardness and bit his tongue; resisting the urge to scream 'go you' through the silence. "I'm sure most of you are aware of what happened building up to-"

"OBJECTION! HEARSAY!" Everyone looked towards Dream's lawyer. The judge sighed, quickly dismissed the call, and instructed Technoblade to continue.

"Well, Tommy and I ran into Greenview hospital at uuuuh I'd say approximately three or four in the afternoon. I got Phil to stay behind and call the proper authorities on George and Snapcha... I mean Sapnap so we'd split up a while ago. As previously discussed, I have a history with Dream and knew how dangerous he is, so I didn't want Tommy coming in with me. "

At this, Tommy stuck his tongue out at Techno, who quickly reciprocated the movement, with an additional roll of the eyes, before continuing. Tommy would by lying if he said he didn't enjoy the interaction.

"After some discussion, I managed to convince him to stay put-"

"How exactly?" The bald lawyer interrupted. Wasn't he supposed to be on their side? Tommy then realised that he was making a point and suddenly felt rather stupid.

"Well, I told him that Big Men stay put, and since he's such a big man," there was clear sarcasm lining Techno's voice here, "then he would stay. It worked for a bit, but inevitably he worked it out eventually and followed me in. I can't testify what Tommy then did because I wasn't with him after that."

"Would you then explain what you were occupied with?" the lawyer asked.

"Gladly. I ran into the building searching for Dream. I found him and we began circling each other. He tried to punch me and we went into fist to fist combat, before I pulled out a sword an-"

"I'm sorry, WHAT??? WHY A SWOR-" The random audience member was quickly shushed by the judge. (Tommy had the sneaking suspicion it was Ranboo.)

"Yeah, as I was saying," Techno continued, "I thought if I could injure Dream enough, I would stop his plan without the intervention of my mole. Well, he pulled out his axe and fought back. Eventually we pushed each other away and went back to circling each other, at which point Tommy came barging in. I don't recall exactly what we said, cause I was kinda preoccupied fighting for my life, but I think Tommy said something along the lines of 'oy swear word swear word, how dare you swear word swear word and something about me tricking him'. I can't remember what I said back but it was probably something along the lines of 'go away'. Yeah, he didn't listen and went to help some civilians get out. I was going to tell him that my mole was already handling that but Dream swung his axe at me again. This time, I barely had time to dodge it.  As I was recovering, Dream brought out some throwing knives and threw two at me. I dodged them pretty easily, but I was more worried about what they would hit behind me, so I turned around. People were ok, but while I wasn't looking, Dream pinned me down to the ground. I'm pretty sure I heard Tommy scream something about a terrorist approaching them so I'm assuming he was talking about my mole here since I was occupying Dream."

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