44 // Red Button

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Tommy cautiously moved closer to the screen. This was going to effect... a lot of people. The blonde could feel his eyes glassing up; causing him to rub a shaking hand over his face.

"It's time, Toms." Tommy looked over to where Dream was standing. He seemed to be hovering over a small red button (in a glass box) next to a keyboard. The man quickly typed what was probably a lengthy and complicated password into the machine, before the glass casing popped off and the button lit up. "After you push this, we'll have exactly four minutes to escape the building and get out of the fire zone. Do you want to do the honours?"

In any other situation, Tommy would have laughed at that question. Why would anyone willingly do the honours? But, of course, this was his father - the man he'd lived in fear of his whole life. All Tommy could muster was a weak shake of his head.

"I wasn't asking." Tommy knew this. Dream knew this. He couldn't win against him. With a firm grip, Dream grabbed Tommy's hand and steadily lead it over to the button.

No no no no no no no no no this couldn't be happening! Not now! Not ever! But it was.

Slowly and inevitably, Tommy felt his hand move closer.






As soon as a click was heard, Dream spun around and twisted a door handle Tommy hadn't known existed. In all the commotion, he hadn't really had a chance to look around at the rest of the room; and he wasn't going to. The door swung open and Tommy found himself being pushed out with great force. He felt himself being yanked through corridors with such speed he became completely disorientated... not that we would have known where he was if they were moving more slowly.

Tommy was being half dragged, half carried, half just repeatedly falling over and half stumbling over his own feet.

After what felt like ten seconds (thought was actually more like a minute and a half) Tommy was outside the hospital, getting shoved into a car. It was sleek, black and looked relatively new. It wasn't anything too fancy - probably as to not draw attention - but was in much better condition than the car Tommy had grown up with Dream owning.

Just as Tommy was getting pushed into the back seat, a yell was heard from behind Dream. He twisted his head to see who it was in such a manner that blocked the figure from Tommy's view.

"Hey! Leave the kid outa this!"

Dream smirked but continued working with haste. He slammed car door - effectively trapping Tommy inside - while moving around to the front in order to to get in himself.

"Give up Techno, we've won." Tommy immediately perked up at the mention of his name. Hadn't Dream 'dealt with him'? What was he doing here? He was alive! The thought of banging on the window crossed his mind, but then the harsh reality set in. It didn't really matter if Technoblade was here. The bomb was going off and they couldn't stop it. It was well and truly over.

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