24 // 10k Special

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Okay... what-
How is this on 10k!?!?
This is literally my first book!
Thank you all so much I don't know what to say :)

As a special thanks, I'm moving the plot forward a little
And I'm giving you some extra juicy tea I was planning on hiding
So consider this a special 10k special :)

(Yes... the smiley faces are a clue)


"You're in deep shit, just so you know." Phil didn't even look at Tommy, he just pinched his wrist harder and kept moving. Where? Tommy had no idea.

"You're not the boss of me! Just leave me alone!" Tommy desperately started pulling his wrist away, but Phil just tightened his already firm grip. "Let me go!" Tommy knew as well as anyone that his attempts were futile, but it wouldn't stop him from trying. No one stops Thomas Innit!

Tommy's constant squirming only made Phil more determined to keep him in his grasp. His unmoving grip was beginning to get painful. "H- hey just let me go man! I'm sorry, okay!"

"Not a chance. I'm not playing around with you anymore."

"Tell me where we're going!"

"I think not."

Tommy's vision became clouded with blurriness. No no no this can't be happening. Not here. Not now. Just breathe.

Phil is not Dream.


Tommy's vision was being crowded with memories. Stop. Breathe. Think. It's not real. None of it is. Breathe.

"Keep moving you gremlin."

No. This was too much. Tommy couldn't take it anymore. In one swift movement, he brought his wrist up, and down in a diagonal motion, while twisting it ever so slightly. It didn't hurt, but if Phil had held on, the senior would have gotten a broken wrist.

Without hesitation, Tommy took off down the corridors. Without Phil, his vision cleared up, and he could take control of his breathing once again. If he wasn't currently being chased by his babysitter, Tommy would have taken a moment to congratulate himself on such an achievement!

Tommy sprinted ahead, gaining an easy lead on Phil. Tommy quickly checked behind him as he was turning a corner. Phil was just out of vision, so now would be the best time to give him the slip! Tommy darted through an open door and slid into the classroom, taking a seat at the back. It was Physics, his next lesson. This plan entirely relied on the fact that Phil hadn't taken the time to memorise his next lesson, and this wasn't the destination Phil had had in mind when dragging Tommy.

For once in his life, luck was on Tommy's side, and the silhouette of Phil ran past the classroom. With a breath of relief, Tommy focused himself on the lesson that he'd interrupted. Not like he cared, and not like anyone was surprised at this point. Sadly, Tommy was bored, so listening was the best thing he could spend his time doing. His bag was still with Niki, so he didn't have his usual note paper. Alas, he would actually have to pay attention to the lesson!

Scrap what Tommy had said earlier about luck - he'd just walked in on their test. The teacher was already making his way towards Tommy, and handed him a test.

"You've come in halfway through the lesson, so I'm afraid you won't have the full time to complete the paper. Unless you'd want to complete it during break, but I doubt that's something you'd want to do." The teacher chuckled, and gave Tommy a grin, while the child was internally groaning. Of course. "You can borrow one of my pencils!" The physics teacher handed Tommy a worn down pencil, with some sort of nerdy joke printed on it.

There was no way he'd ever admit this to the teacher, but the joke was actually kind of funny! A small smirk flashed across his face, before it went back to scowling.

Tommy wrote his name in messy writing at the top of the page, before looking down to the first question. He wasn't actually expecting to be able to answer anything, considering he'd never actually payed attention to a single physics class.

1) Calculate the magnitude of the resultant force from the diagram below.

Wait... this was easy! Must have been a warm out question. Tommy looked to the next one.

2) Label what the horizontal line in the graph below represents.

Two warm ups... odd but not impossible. Shrugging it off, Tommy moved to the next question.

3) Define the difference between velocity and speed.

Huh... that one was also pretty easy. Without really thinking, he answered the question and flipped through the rest of the paper, answering absentmindedly. Before he knew it, Tommy was done. Huh... did he do the right test?

What - no Tommy didn't care about tests! The teacher should be glad he'd even bothered to attempt any test at all. Shrugging, Tommy stood up, and walked to the front of the class to hand it in.

"Giving up already, looser!?" Tommy turned and scowled at someone in the front row after hearing that comment.

"No, actually I'm done."

This caught the teacher's attention.

"Are you sure? It hasn't even been five minutes, and this accounts for over fifty percent of your end grade?" Tommy only shrugged, and put the paper down on the teacher's desk. "Kid... check your answers, okay? This was designed for GCSE students, I just wanted to give you a taster of what's yet to come. No one was supposed to finish it."

"Okay listen mister, I finished your stupid test, and I'm done. Clearly you just assumed the whole class is made up of idiots if that was supposed to be hard. I could do it in under a minute if I really wanted to. So to answer your question, yes. I did check my answers, and then looked over my shoulder to check I had the same quiz as everyone else. Oh, which reminds me," Tommy raised his voice at this point.


Okay, time to step in, thought Mr Jacobs.

"You could do it in under a minute you say?" The teacher raised an eyebrow, to which Tommy just shrugged.

"I mean yeah... probably." Oh no. Tommy suddenly realised where this was going. The teacher smirked. He searched in his desk for a moment, before coming out with a worryingly thick set of papers.

"So... if I were to give you this year twelve test, you'd be able to finish it in under a minute?"

"H- hey no! That's not what I meant! Besides, you said this was for GCSE students, that's year eleven, not twelve!"

"What's wrong Thomas, scared you can't do it!? Scared Mr Jacobs is going to embarrass you!?" The kid from the front row spoke up again. He was really getting on Tommy's nerves. He took a deep breath, and took a mental note of what this jerk looked like. He was definitely leaving school today with some new bruises.

"I'm not scared. Big Man Tommy is never scared. I'll show you." With that, Tommy snatched the test from the teacher's outstretched hand, and walked back to his desk. Tommy hovered his hand above the paper which rested face down on his desk.

Mr Jacobs came and stood next to Tommy, stop watch in hand.

"Do you want a calculator? Technically this test does allow you to use one."

"Technically this test is for year twelves to complete in an hour and a half. I'll be fine."

"As you wish... 3, 2, 1, GO!"

He started the stop watch, and Tommy turned over the paper.

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