19 // Sidestep

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Hi, i would just like to say how.. HoW... HOW... HHHOOOWWW —> 4k
This means the world, thank you so much!


Wilbur approached the slightly dismal child. This can't end well. But (like most teenage boys) he had a terrible sense of judgement, so decided to do it anyway.

"You! How dare you!"

Tommy looked up from his book, having absolutely no idea what was going on. He just folded over the page, put it on the sofa beside him, and sent Wilbur a quizzical look.

The already fuming brunette did not take this well. "How dare you!" He repeated again

"... what?" Tommy was not in the mood. He was too busy feeling sorry for himself... and worrying over Phil. He wasn't looking for more self-pity.

"You STOLE Techno." Wilbur's knuckles were turning white.

"Ooooooh; that's what all this is about, is it?" Tommy's exasperation turned into a smirk. Wilbur was... jealous?

"Yeah! You stole Techno from me, and now you're going to pay!" Wilbur looked Tommy right in the eyes, an attempt to become threatening, or at least asset some dominance into the situation.

"Okay... look Big Man Will: I'm sure you'd love to take out all your anger on me, but I'm not in the mood. Go find someone else to piss off."

"Maybe if you didn't steal what was mine, you wouldn't be in this predicament."

Tommy just absentmindedly wafted his hand in Wilbur's direction, before picking up his book. He walked around to the fantasy bookcases, to return the book and slid it into an empty position; not before making a mental note of where he put it. Wilbur tried to make another snarky comment, but Tommy drowsily left the library, clearly frustrated that his place of comfort was disturbed by a grumpy musician.

"Lovely lockers, aren't they." Tommy muttered absentmindedly, as if the brunette wasn't about to beat him up.

Wilbur could do nothing but follow Tommy. Wait a minute - no. He was in charge here. He didn't have to obey this child. If Tommy didn't listen to Wilbur, he would just have to make him listen.

Wilbur was gripping his first so much, it was white. He'd had enough. In one swift movement, he launched his hand up, aiming directly for Tommy's face.

Tommy wasn't concerned by this at all. In the same moment, he casually leaned to one side, allowing Wilbur's arm to continue traveling into thin air. This only enraged the brunet. Tommy stuck his hands in his pockets, and continued his journey down the corridors. He was going nowhere in particular, just letting his subconscious mind take him wherever.

"You piece of shi-"

"I wouldn't continue that sentence if I were you. You're winding yourself up, which will only cause you to lash out more."

As if on queue, Wilbur attempted another strike on Tommy, this time aimed at his stomach. Tommy didn't even flinch. Instead, the small boy ducked under the outstretched arm, hands still in his pockets.

"Now you're just making a fool of yourself." He chuckled slightly, knowing Wilbur was only getting more determined.

Wilbur was absolutely furious with the blonde. He'd come here trying to get the boy show some respect, but all he'd accomplished was (as Tommy put it) "make a fool of himself".

Tommy was tired. For once, he was not looking for a fight. He'd just woken up to an enraged Phil, and a worried looking Bad. How much did they know? What had they found out about Tommy? What did-

Tommy sidestepped just as Wilbur threw another punch at his body.

"Leave me alone."

"Don't tell me what to do-"

"Just did." Tommy casually relied while dodging another full-blown attack. "You know, you're really predictable."

"You-" punch "little-" punch "piece-" punch "of-" punch "shit!" Every single one of Wilbur's punches had missed the small boy. Tommy just watched, and occasionally dipped out of the trajectory of a punch, while Wilbur was heavily breathing and looked exhausted.

"You think this is over!? I'm just getting started with you!"

Tommy sighed, before sidestepping yet another perfectly-aimed punch.

"Those moves are getting old! Try to mix it up a bit." Wilbur looked like he was about to throw another punch, but Tommy moved his foot so fast, you'd miss it if you blinked. He knocked Wilbur completely off balance (by swiping his ankles) and watched as the year 11 fell to the ground. Tommy just stood there, hands in his pockets.

"How DARE you!" Wilbur jumped back up. This time, he'd had enough. Tommy was embarrassing him. He was supposed to be the bigger kid, the one Tommy feared, not the other way around.

"Look man, I'm just not in the mood. I'm not trying to fight, so would you please just fuck off." Tommy stood with his hands in his pockets, looking very unimpressed at the brunette who towered above him.

Wilbur rammed Tommy into a locker, this time succeeding. "Looks like I did just need to mix it up." He smirked. Finally, he'd won. Now the fun could begin.

Tommy raised an eyebrow at him, daring him to continue. Wilbur didn't need much encouragement, as he rammed his fist into Tommy's cheek... well, he tried to at least.

Tommy raised one hand, to catch the fist thrown at him. The boy didn't even flinch, only looked profusely bored.

Wilbur looked between his fist and Tommy. He tried to wriggle is hand free, but Tommy's grip was freakishly tight.

"This ends now!" He scowled at the blonde, words dripping like venom from his mouth.

"You're right: it does." With that, Tommy finally launched an attack of his own.

While Wilbur had been ramming Tommy into the locker, believing it was his winning move, Tommy was just waiting for the moment when the musician actually decided to use his brain and bash him into the metallic cubes. He'd implanted the idea into his head earlier by mentioning the lockers. The only thing he hadn't accounted for, was how dumb Wilbur actually was. The phrase "mix it up"... seriously? It sounded like a cheesy Disney line. Tommy just hoped his internal cringing didn't ruin his act. Even if it did, Wilbur was too stupid to notice.

While Wilbur was smirking, and saying some knockoff victory speech, Tommy took his time, fiddling with one of the locker handles. They were much stuffer than he originally anticipated, and very hard to wriggle loose. Even harder when he had to give up one hand to block another punch. Tommy just waited for the moment Wilbur let his guard down, before finally, making his attack.

The blonde brought the handle around to the back of Wilbur's head, and used all his might to bring the metallic bar crashing down, knocking him unconscious.

That's how a crowd of students, and the Geography teacher, found an unconscious Wilbur,bleeding, on the dirty floor, in front of a dismantled locker.

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