34 // Descovery

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Again, sorry for all the POV and time jumps. This smart author has managed to get back on track with the storyline! Oooooo it's going to be great. This is the last connection chapter before we get onto the plan.


Technoblade and Phil rapidly sped around the twisting lanes of the neighbourhood. They didn't know what to expect, but if everything was really as bad as Technoblade has described it then they were in trouble. At some point Phil had called Principal Ranboo to ask him about the address, wondering if the principal noticed the same thing that they did. Apparently he knew it was a bad neighbourhood but had no idea how awful it actually was. Techno did a lot of angry murmuring at this new found knowledge. Could the school not hire more knowledgable staff? Why was everyone failing Tommy?


Wilbur sat in the now empty classroom. What was it - 3 or 4 minutes after school had ended? Techno had just vanished. They were supposed to be going to the cafe after that lesson together, but he was no where to be found.

Wilbur slowly navigated around the building until he reached Techno's locker. He noticed that there was a small piece of paper sticking out of the bottom. That was strange: Techno was usually such a neat person so why was this so messy.

He picked up the sheet and was about to put it into his own locker to hand to Technoblade later, when he realised that it was a letter. An unopened letter with a wax seal on the back. The envelope itself was plain white, but it felt and looked like very high quality card. The seal was a deep green with a simple smiley face engraved into the middle of it. Wilbur cautiously turned it over to see that it was addressed to a 'The Blade'. Who has 'the' in their name?

Wilbur was itching to open it and find out more, but it wasn't his and he knew better than to open an official looking letter addressed to someone else. At least, he thought he did... that didn't last very long. The impatient brunette ripped it open and the contents came crashing onto the ground.

Wait... contents? Wilbur had just thought that it was a letter with paper inside of it. He rapidly scooped it all up and inconspicuously stuffed it into his backpack before making his way out of the school, now completely forgetting about the meet up with Technoblade. His curiosity had gotten the better of him; the only thing now on his mind as the suspicions letter.


Tommy had finally finished addressing his wounds. That took forever! He stood up from the stairs and made his was downstairs, moving towards the kitchen. Tommy was hungry - really hungry. Granted, it was against all the rules to take food without asking (or anything for that matter) but he didn't care.

Perhaps you could blame his inevitable concussion he was sure to have. His head was bruised and swollen with a deep cut trailing down the side. One of his arms was almost guaranteed to be broken and his ribs were almost certainly bruised. Sure - Tommy internally rolled his eyes at himself - blame it on the injuries. Tommy had been injured thousands of times before; his hunger wasn't due to that.

That's how Tommy found himself standing in the kitchen without a plausible excuse. He sighed. This was wrong he told himself. It went against all of his common sense and his brain was screaming at him to stop... but he didn't.

Looking back, there wasn't really a reason for why Tommy continued. Perhaps he just snapped, but whatever happened, it was for the best. Who knows what would have happened if he didn't.

He made his way into the kitchen to discover some sheets of paper rolled out on the countertop. Curiosity got the better of the Blonde and he immediately went running up to it (how he had the energy to do so after being beaten up like that was anyone's guess).

They were... blueprints? What? Tommy cautiously picked them up and scattered them across the floor. In normal circumstances he wouldn't have dared even go into the kitchen, but here he was practically stealing his father's things. What had gotten into him?

Under closer inspection, Tommy realised that they were blueprints. Blueprints for what looked like... a weapon? No - a bomb. WAIT WHAT THE FU—

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