13 // A Friend to Help

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Tommy clutched the Art of War in his small, slightly bleeding hands. He was completely transfixed on the book, and surprised at how well the strategies worked. Tommy recognised a couple that he had unknowingly used some of them in his fight with Wilbur. He was so absorbed, he didn't notice a rather sheepish Phil enter the library.

Techno, however, did notice. "What do you want Phil?"

"I uh... I need to take Tommy to therapy." Tommy definitely heard that.

"I don't want to go."

"You have to."

"No I don't! I was fine without you, and I'll continue to be fine if you just leave me alone."

"Tommy, if you don't come willingly, I'm going to have to force you."

"No you won't Phil." Techno protectively stepped in-front of Tommy, giving Phil the death glare.

"Yes I will. Move aide Techno."

"Not going to happen Phil. He's going willingly, or he's not going at all."

Phil pinched the bridge of his nose, and sighed. "Okay Tommy... you win." He put his hands up in a surrendering position. "Just don't blame me when you end up in a child leash."

Tommy's eyes went wide. "Y- you wouldn't!"

"Oh I will" Phil chuckled. "So what's it going to be then, Tommy?" He raised an eyebrow, knowing he'd won.

Techno looked between Tommy, and Phil, before giving a defeated sigh, backing off, and sticking his middle finger up at Phil.

Phil just pushed past Techno, grabbed onto Tommy's arm, and lead him out the library. Either he ignored or just didn't notice Tommy's quiet whimper and sudden flinch.

He slammed open the door of Bad's office, startling him slightly.

"Oh hello you muffin heads. I was worried you weren't coming. I see you found him then Phil." He gave a comforting smile, but Phil wasn't in the mood.

"Yeah yeah. Tommy, sit." Tommy didn't move. Phi raised an eyebrow; this kid was really testing his patience. "You and I both know what will happen if you don't behave."

Tommy sat down, scowling at the floor.

"Hello Tommy!" Bad waved at him, but Tommy ignored the kind gesture. He just wanted to get this over with.

"How are you feeling today?" Tommy just stayed silent. "I can't help you if you don't tell me what's happened."

"Really, I thought you were dumb Bad, but not this stupid. I didn't speak last time, so why would I this time?"

"Fine - if that's how you want to play it. I just thought you looked like you wanted someone to talk to, that's all."

Tommy briefly glanced up to Phil standing menacingly in the doorway with arms crossed. Maybe talking to someone would be nice, but there was no way he was sharing anything with that betrayer listening in. Tommy anxiously scratched his wrists, mesmerised by the red marks his nails left behind.

"Alright then." Bad adjusted himself in the swivel chair, before starting his diagnostic. "You've clearly had an argument with Phil, and possibly Tubbo as well. An unlikely friendship as formed between you and Techno, seeing as you've spent the whole day together. It didn't take Phil very long to find you, so you've probably spent the day in the library, hanging out with Techno, possibly bonding over a book? Or a series? Or an author? Something along those lines... Oh, and your scratches indicate that you've been in another fight, I assume with Wilbur, but it really could have been anyone."

Tommy sent Bad a quizzical look. He was right about most of that, but he completely failed to explain the bruises. Maybe that was for the best though - Tommy didn't want to burden anyone with his troubles.

"Haha..." Tommy have a sort of half hearted laugh, and scratched the back of his head. "Guess you got me Bad. Whatever would I do without you? Can I go now?"

"Haha! You're really bad at lying you muffin head! But yea, if that's all you can. Feel free to talk though if you need it, cause judging by your body language, I've definitely missed something. Well - I suppose I can only do so much without your communication. I'll always be here Tommy, as a friend to help you!"

"Bullshit." Tommy murmured under his breath.

"LANGUAGE!" Bad immediately went to apologise after seeing Tommy flinch and bolt upright on the sofa. "Sorry - that's become more of an instinct now. I shouldn't have yelled. Can you forgive me?

"I- I guess." Tommy started anxiously scratching his wrists again.

"Hooray! Now why don't you believe me? What's so unbelievable about me being your having a friend?"

Tommy shifted uncomfortably and subconsciously glanced at Phil who sitting in the corner of the room. Bad seemed to catch on.

"Hey Phil, would you mind waiting outside for a moment please?"

Phil begrudgingly stood up, and left the room. Bad and Tommy assumed he had wondered away, but he was hovering just outside the office, wanting to make sure Tommy was okay.

As soon as he left the room, Tommy broke down. Bad reached out to hug him, and Tommy cried into his chest. His face was a hot, sticky, wet mess, but Bad didn't care. He affectionately began stroking circles into Tommy's back, soothing the sobbing blond.

"Aw Tommy, it's okay." Bad was trying to seem happy and carefree, but in reality he was freaking out. He was expecting Tommy to say something like exam stress, or peer pressure, not break out into tears! What was going on?!

Eventually, Tommy's cries turned into sniffles, and sat up. That's when he realised he messed up - big time. His tears left huge purple stains running down his face, and Bad was right there to see it.

Bad was shocked. His mouth fell open, and his eyes went wide. It was all he could do to stay calm. If it wasn't for his anti-swearing policy he would definitely be getting demonetised right now.

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