are you ok?

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okaaaayyyyyy well this one was recommended by @TheChosenOneeeee so thank you. 

this one rachel weisz and some of the bw cast help y/n go through some things she found out at home. y/n is 12 here. or whatever age you want i guess. i'd say younger than 14 or so. 

*you guys this one is going to be a lil bit depresso espresso*

I was walking around my little trailer when I got a phone call from my mom. 

(italics is mom)

"Hi mom!" I was so excited to hear from her.


"Uh, yeah?" 

I was a little worried.

"I'm really sorry...your father...he passed away due to...some complications..."

I don't know, is it possible for your heart to just stop? Is it possible to feel like the walls are crushing you?

"Y/n, the funeral is on the 15th, so I got a plane ride home for you." 

"O-okay..." I stuttered, not fully comprehending what just happened. 

"I love you..."

"I love you too..." I told her as she hung up. 

My dad...he was just gone? I was never really close to him but I knew he loved me. He supported me through my acting career and always cheered me on. I should feel sad, depressed, or something! But...I don't feel anything right now. Am I bad? I went to sleep that night, and then it finally hit me. 

My dad is dead.


And I'll never get to see him again.


One tear after the other....

The funeral was in three days, and I was not prepared at all. I finally fell asleep after hours.

I woke up, rubbing my eyes, remembering what happened last night. I groaned, and fell back on the bed. I heard a knock.

"Hey y/n, we're going to go eat, you wanna come? I haven't seen you in a while," Rachel said.

"I'm not very hungry, thanks though," I replied, masking my sadness.

"Are you ok?" she asked.

"Yeah, I'm good," I lied. 

"Can I come in?"

"Oh yeah, sure," I prepared myself.

She opened the door, and scanned me over.

"Are you sure you're ok? It doesn't look like it," she commented.

"Rachel, I told you, I'm fine." 

"Mhm, ok."

"I am..really," my voice slightly cracked. 

"Well alright then..." she sighed, and walked out.

Minutes later I began to sob. My shoulders were shaking, and my (your hair color) locks fell down my face. 

Around 10 minutes later, Scarlett and Rachel walked in.

"Sorry Y/n, I forgot to give-" she stopped, looking at me.

"What's wrong?" they both asked, coming to my side.

"He's dead..." I mumbled.

"Who is??" Scar asked.

"M-my dad..." I sobbed.

Rachel rubbed my back, "shhh, it'll be okay," she told me.

Would it?

The rest of the day, Rachel stayed by my side, soothing me, comforting me, and I felt a little better. Maybe my life would come together again. 



okay any requests you guys have please comment or inbox me! 

love you! <33


[Aug 28, 2021]

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