baby pugh pt. 3

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bellasalvas thank you for the request!

You groggily opened your e/c eyes, letting out a big yawn. You didn't know what was going to happen today. 

"Y/n/n," you heard, "Are you ready to go?"


"Remember? You are going to get shots at the doctor-" Raffie was cut off.

"Raffie! You weren't supposed to tell her," Florence huffed.

You heard 'doctors' and 'shots' so you ran to the bathroom and locked the door. 

"Y/n, come out," Florence pleaded, looking at her watch.

"Nooooo," you responded, on the verge of tears.

"I have candy," Florence rolled her eyes, "And I have the key to the door." 


"Alright then," Florence got up and searched the drawer, finding the key. "Here we go."

Florence made her way in the bathroom as you huddled in the corner. "No! Please Flo," you cried. 

"It'll be over before you know it!" she responded, grabbing you by your armpits. You kicked and tried to work your way out of Flo's grip, but you were only a toddler. 

"Raffie, come with me. I can't do this by myself," Florence sighed. 


As you were strapped in the seat of your car, you buried your face in the side. You saw the trees and playgrounds, only wanting to be there. 

It was a dreadful 10 minute drive, as you were worrying so much. "Let's go Y/n," Flo placed you on her hip. 

You sat on her lap in the waiting room, playing with your little fingers. 

"Y/n Pugh," you heard, making your heart beat go faster than Pietro. 

You clung to Florence's neck, as you shivered from the cold office. They sat you down on the small bed, but you ran down and hid behind Flo, clinging on to her leg. 

"She can stay on your lap if you want," The doctor smiled, preparing the injections. 

"I think that'll be good," Florence replied, lifting you up. "Raffie, make sure she doesn't run away." 

You started to feel the doctor wipe a cold alcohol pad on your small arm, making you whimper and start to cry. 

"No, no, no," Raffie muttered, "Look at me Y/n," she cooed, making silly faces. You immediately stopped crying, beginning to smile at Raffie's ways. 

An then, you felt a sharp stab in your arm, making the tears come back. Along with another poke. 


"Ouchie," you cried, burying your face into the crook of Flo's neck. 

"We can go get some ice cream," You heard, making you lift your face up.

if you have a request, let me know! 


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